Recent content by DreamingOfAFarm

  1. DreamingOfAFarm

    Broody BA - moving chicks under cover of night

    MotherJean - thanks for the suggestion. I've done a search but I hadn't found anything about being able to get in and out of the nesting box, so I wanted to ask. Elite Silkies - awesome! Thanks so much, that's exactly what I was hoping to hear. I'm going to pick up my chicks tomorrow morning...
  2. DreamingOfAFarm

    Broody BA - moving chicks under cover of night

    Maybe I posted this in the wrong part of the forum, but I'm not sure how to move it.
  3. DreamingOfAFarm

    Broody BA - moving chicks under cover of night

    Questions for all you chicken geniuses. I have a broody BA. She's been sitting in a nesting box for about a month now and shows no signs of stopping. I'm going to go to a nearby hatchery today and pick up some chicks to put under her tonight when she's asleep. I only have one other hen and our...
  4. DreamingOfAFarm

    12 Heritage Delaware Hatching Eggs

    How much would you charge for a 6+?
  5. DreamingOfAFarm

    12+ 100% LAVENDER Ameraucana Bantam eggs - "NO SPLITS"

    Any chance you would sell just 6 eggs?
  6. DreamingOfAFarm

    I need help - 5 month old roo being plucked by pullets

    And can anyone give me any advice on the Multi Care, Cut Heal, Liquid Wound Care and whether or not is should be used on my handsome guy?
  7. DreamingOfAFarm

    I need help - 5 month old roo being plucked by pullets

    I'm trying to convince DH that we should keep Diva alive as it will give us the opportunity for "free" chicks in the spring. An addition will be built in the spring for the coop. In the meantime, what can/should I do to help Diva heal quickly? Off to TSC to get a heat lamp for the little man.
  8. DreamingOfAFarm

    9 week Easter Egger

    My EE roo didn't crow until he was 20+ weeks old. I'm guessing a roo by the way it's holding it's tail. That's exactly what mine looked like with the arched tail feathers. And then all the sudden these beautiful purple and green arching tail feathers came in. His comb didn't grow too much prior...
  9. DreamingOfAFarm

    I need help - 5 month old roo being plucked by pullets

    Well, when Diva was the baby (and we were told he was a she), it literally looked like he had eyeliner on. Not only that, but if he wasn't getting any attention, he would start peeping these loud mournful peeps until we went and picked him up. Hence the name, Diva. Constantly needed to be the...
  10. DreamingOfAFarm

    I need help - 5 month old roo being plucked by pullets

    Hi, I have a "surprise" roo who was supposed to be a lovely EE. Turned out to be a lovely crower and hen-lover, if you catch my drift. Yesterday when we went out to check on the girls (2 BA, 1 BR, 1 EE, 1 BO, 1 SLW), we found that Diva's (the roo) had an entire patch of feathers pulled out and...
  11. DreamingOfAFarm

    Moisture buildup inside of coop

    This morning I went out to check on my girls (and the surprise roo) and as I was putting in their fresh water I got dripped on. I looked qup I was thankful that it wasn't a chicken with a runny nose but was not excited to see condensation running down the inside of the roof. I'm located in SW...
  12. DreamingOfAFarm

    Exciting weekend at our house!

    It started on Friday afternoon when Diva, our EE "pullet" started crowing. She kept it up all weekend. And now today. I came home from the grocery store and went to let the girls out and SURPRISE!!! An egg! Our very first egg! Completely perfect! And on their 18-week birthday no less It's been...
  13. DreamingOfAFarm

    nest box leaking - ideas?

    I don't know the answer either, but I'm getting ready to build my nesting box, so I'll be interested to find out what our "experts" say!
  14. DreamingOfAFarm

    Broody Australorp Now Mother Hen!!!!!! Lots and Lots of Pics!

    Oh my gosh! They are beautiful! I want chicks!!! Mine are only 16 weeks and I have no more space so I'm going to have to just deal with it for now I guess. oh well. Something to look forward to in the spring! Many congratulations!!!
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