Recent content by DrFrank

  1. DrFrank

    Rooster attacks new hen

    How did you end up with two mothering hen? Were these 2 BOs part of the flock prior to brooding? If you somehow ended up with mother hen and chicks, it's prudent to wait till the mother hen weans the chicks off before integrating them. You are having a potential disaster at hand, the rooster...
  2. DrFrank

    Preventing aggressive behaviour in cockerels/ roos

    There are breeds that has the propensity to get aggressive: Leghorns and most single-combed mediterranean breeds. There are breeds that do not get people aggressive: Members of the oriental gamefowl family. What works for me is keeping a well-mannered, non-people aggressive rooster as the...
  3. DrFrank

    Would a Silkie be a good fit for my flock?

    You need to have more than one chicken introduced so that the bullying is spread out. Yes, Silkies are small, clutz, and sensitive. Alternatively, you can introduce the older birds one at a time after having the new Silkie established. Good luck.
  4. DrFrank

    Ok, so this is sad...

    Jus' feel around the crop, which is down to the throat, area. If it feels full/solid/squishy, it has sour crop.
  5. DrFrank

    Ok, so this is sad...

    I would check to see if she has an impacted crop or sour crop.
  6. DrFrank

    Rooster has started attacking

    From my experience the single-combed roosters (Mediterranean) are people-aggressive. No kid should be terrorized at his own house. If you enjoy having a rooster, you could get the "Oriental" roosters, like the ones that Ideal Hatchery carries, which are very friendly to their human handlers...
  7. DrFrank

    Guinea advice?

    The hen to rooster ratio is never actually studied with guineafowl. 11 Hens and 4 Roosters is a good ratio, as guineafowl roosters are not rough on the hens, but good luck finding the nests as these birds are great at hiding them. I hope you enjoy them.
  8. DrFrank

    Rescue -- Sex? (Shamo?)

    It's a gamefowl. They make wonderful pets, sans the crowing. These roosters do not get people aggressive. You can keep it singly, no need to become a backyard chicken keeper. If you have the resources, go for it, they are the best pets.
  9. DrFrank

    Recovery diet AFTER sour crop

    Sour crop happens when chicken (usually chicks) eat something large (usually meat) that gets stuck in the crop and ferments there. The best way to clear Sour crop would be to feed the chicken with oil to work as a lubricant and aiding the passage of the impacted food to the gizzard. Since...
  10. DrFrank

    Is it ok to have guinea rooster’s with chickens?

    Guinea roosters are perfectly fine with female chicken. At one point, I had a single male guineafowl with a couple of chicken hens and he was very protective of them and he would mate with them often. I don't think the mating affected the chicken as they are gentler than chicken roosters!! I...
  11. DrFrank

    Mixing breeds in my flock

    Wow nice flock. No rooster is the best option. The hens will be happier and sure there won't be any incidents with the kids. Dorking actually is considered gourmet meat. All the chicks from this mating could inherit the broad-breastedness, so would be good dual-purpose chicken.
  12. DrFrank

    Mareema puppies

    Maremma is a breed with low prey drive. Good news is that you can successfully wean the bad habit. You have to train them. You have to first teach them that its not an acceptable behavior. You can train them by enforcing that you would not accept aggressiveness towards chicken. Be very...
  13. DrFrank

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    I read some of your posts @Jesusfreak101, I don't know about your current scenario, but if your husband ever left you, he will be the biggest fool that walked on earth! Hopefully he gets over his midlife crisis or whatever he is going through. Have a nice day! PS: I would totally get...
  14. DrFrank

    Thanks to whoever helped me create this ID

    Thanks for the nice welcome guys!! Happy Sunday to ya'll.
  15. DrFrank

    Thanks to whoever helped me create this ID

    Hi all, First of all thanks to the Admin/Tech, who created this ID for me, as I had problem with creating an account in BYC. I am from India, from a place called Tamil Nadu, here is where Thomas, one of the disciples of Jesus, was laid to rest. I don't know what else is famous in my place...
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