Recent content by DriverMan

  1. DriverMan

    My DIY automatic chicken POP door opener/closer

    I love your idea! I have seen a youtube video similar to your idea. I would post the link if I could find it. However, your method of using two pumps is unique and makes more sense. However, I have an idea; if you wanted to make a smaller enclosure you need smaller containers. In the...
  2. DriverMan

    Wisconsinites- Heat the coop or not?!

    Absolutely, NO HEAT but plenty of ventilation. I purchased my chicks over the Internet from a hatchery. The chicks came with some guide lines. The first rule was, NO heat in the coop. I was really concerned the first year but after watching my play outside in -5 degree weather I though...
  3. DriverMan

    ADOR1 Automatic Coop Door?

    Try using Plexi Glass... you will have the benefit of being waterproof. It wont rot or warp and you will be able to see in. Just an idea.
  4. DriverMan

    Added a ton of leaves to the coop and run= chicken heaven!

    Leaves are great for the run in the Winter! I mix 1/2 wood chips with leaves and the girls really enjoy it. I enjoy because now I somewhere to put the leaves!!!
  5. DriverMan

    DIY Chicken Door Opener. Ideas?

    Have you looked at this idea...
  6. DriverMan

    Automatic Chicken Coop door for only $5 bucks with a radio antenna from a junkyard

    Yes, you can run the motor on batteries. Over the years there have been a number of articles on using a power antenna for a coop door opener. In a post back in 2009 shows this. However, another BackYardChicken post also in...
  7. DriverMan

    Ready for Winter

    How lucky!!! Windows are expensive. Hopefully, you left enough vents for fresh air.
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