Recent content by dsnewark

  1. dsnewark

    Electric Netting questions

    I can mount the charger indoors within a few hundred feet of the fence. Would that be a bigger pain than keeping up on a battery?
  2. dsnewark

    Electric Netting questions

    I have had enough of the chicken tractors for my broilers. They are never large enough and storing them in the off season is a pain. I am going to change to the electric netting. Bigger pen, easiler set up and store in a smaller area. Here are my questions: What would be a good shelter in...
  3. dsnewark

    Chicks dying with intestines coming out

    I have 50 broiler chicks less than a week old. All have been healthy until today when two of them seemed to have passed their own intestines and died. 15 yrs of raising chicks I have never seen this. Any idea what this is? Dave Schneider
  4. dsnewark

    Looking for Bronze Turkey

    I am looking for bronze turkeys to raise for Thanksgiving. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it. I have never understood why all of the major hatcherys stop selling turkeys before the time you would buy them to make weight for Thanksgiving. Dave
  5. dsnewark

    What is this predator?

    Rebaited the trap and caught a coon last night. Still think it was the opossum, coon woud not have come back and eaten the dead one. My experience is that they are killing machines when they get started. Reset trap to see what else is prowling. Never tried marshmellow for bait. Will have to...
  6. dsnewark

    When to butcher & how/why to "rest" a butchered bird?

    Every year we raise 25-50 cornish rocks. We have them butchered in the morning, bring them home and put them straight into the freezer. Never had a problem. I assume the reason it is recommended is for aging. They will continue to grow, but the only issue I would see is that you will have...
  7. dsnewark

    What is this predator?

    Verdict is in. Opussum, guilty as charged. Reset trap will see if there is more than one. Thanks again Dave
  8. dsnewark

    What is this predator?

    Thanks for the help. Never had a opssum kill a chicken before. Did'nt think they had it in them. Makes the most sense, thou. Crime scene is sloppy and it just keeps moving the carcus around the barn and picking the bones. Could be a cat, but I have never seen one around here. I removed the...
  9. dsnewark

    What is this predator?

    It is 3 am and for the third night I have gone to the coop because my dogs have gone nuts. The first night I found an adult hen dead in the coop. I left it there until morning. In the morning it had been draged out of the coop, but still in the barn and eaten on. I left in again and set a...
  10. dsnewark

    fixing a plastic waterer

    I have a large plastic waterer from TSC. It has a slow leak in it and I can not find it. Anyone have a trick for locating the source of the leak?
  11. dsnewark

    Beginner needs advice on Waterers and Feeders!

    Quote: Good point. This can be over come by filling the deeper trough with marbels or gravel so that it is not as deep.
  12. dsnewark

    Beginner needs advice on Waterers and Feeders!

    1) The reason to use a trough is that they can feed from both sides so you double your feeder space compared to the same amount of area taken up by a tube type feeder. The tops on the trough are to keep the chicks from pooping in the feeder. The plastic ones with the holes and the galvanized...
  13. dsnewark

    Egg basket help needed

    Thanks for the ideas. We have tried the cartons but they tend to swoard fight with them on the way to the barn and then leave them. Maybe our problem is less the basket and more the offspring. I like the idea of putting a carton in a basket, will have to give that a try. By the way, why...
  14. dsnewark


    I watched them one night walk past traps baited with peanut butter and another with bacon just to eat feed off of the ground, after a few had been trapped. I taped posion packs over the Tom and Jerry holes they chewed in my kennel walls and they would not touch them. I like the stations...
  15. dsnewark

    Egg basket help needed

    Tired of broken eggs in my kids coat pockets. Need to find something to carry eggs up from the barn in. Gave them a basket and they rolled into each other and broke. What is the solution for clumsy kids and fragile eggs? Dave
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