Recent content by dtobey

  1. D

    Young roo behavior

    He was purchased in a group of 5 & appears 2 are hens but hard to tell because one is a Silkie & one is a frizzle. I have added 4 more younger silkies but not sure if hens or Roos yet. They are all under 6 months including my little boyfriend.
  2. D

    Young roo behavior

    I have this little bantam Delaware cockerel that loves to snuggle BUT when I go to put him down he acts like my hand/wrist is a hen & he goes to town. Is this a dominance thing like with dogs? Is he claiming me?😂
  3. D

    Hen has face blister

    We watched it for a few days & it went down. We were going to drain it if it didn’t but didn’t have to
  4. D

    Hen has face blister

    So glad came across this. I have a hen with the exact same thing
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    When tucking my babies in this evening I noticed what looks to be a blister on one of them. I don’t recall seeing it earlier. Not sure what it is. Hoping someone knows what it is
  6. D

    Type of Babtam

    Can anyone tell me what type of Bantam this might be? I bought 5 and figured out 3 of them but I have 2 little white ones that look like this and can’t figure out what they are. It’s hard to tell in pic but they have clean white legs
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    Egg Size

    Could it be a guinea egg? Didn’t think too much about it but wondering if one of the guineas got into the chicken coop 🤔
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    Egg Size

    This is the smallest egg I have found so far. Guessing it is a new layer?
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    Our run and coop are pretty sturdy and the coop is elevated off the ground. I just worry because of the trees. No dead branches just some big oaks and lots of pines. Definitely will be putting in a storm cellar since we have too many dogs and birds to evacuate everyone. Just glad we don’t have...
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    My concern are the trees and winds and / or tornadoes. Not worried about flooding. I have 39 birds (chickens & guineas) so I don’t think we can go to the school gym 😞
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  12. D


    I live in SE Texas and with a storm possible was wondering what you can do to secure your chickens. We are in between Houston & Beaumont about 90 miles inland so lots of trees.
  13. D

    My rooster suddenly has black spots on his comb.

    That’s what I thought but wasn’t 100% sure. Thank you!
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