Recent content by Dunnma

  1. Dunnma

    Hello from Kansas

    We're in Overland Park.
  2. Dunnma

    My own dog?

    Of course I know that she is a ground hunter. She's dropped a dead rabbit at my feet much more often than I would like. Before this, I'd never seen her go after a bird though, including the many wild geese who frequent our yard. I can't imagine that all chicken farmers don't have dogs, so I...
  3. Dunnma

    Hello from Kansas

    Thanks for the warm welcome and the condolences on our Polish. She had pasty butt two days before she died, but it seemed to be cleared up. She died overnight and my eight-year-old found her in the morning first thing. The kids always run down to check the brooder as soon as they get up. My kids...
  4. Dunnma

    Hello from Kansas

    Hello. I've been reading on the site for awhile now and finally decided to start an account. We are new to backyard chickens. We bought 16 chicks about 3 weeks ago. Sadly one of our Polish didn't make it past a week, but we currently have 6 Araucanas, 4 Barred Rock, 4 Bantums, and 1 Polish. My...
  5. Dunnma

    My own dog?

    We are new to backyard chickens. We currently have 15 chicks in a brooder and my husband is working on building the coop into our barn. When we first got the chicks, we would let our dogs sniff them to get used to them and there didn't seem to be a problem. On a warm day last week, I put the...
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