Recent content by dweej

  1. dweej

    Dweejs Member Page

    We bought a house in rural Michigan sight-unseen off of the internet. My husband quit his job in California and we moved our four kids across the country to fix up our fixer-upper and start a new kind of adventure. Hello! We are brand-spankin' new to the world of raising chickens and I am...
  2. dweej

    Which egg came from which breed? (pic)

    I didn't know for sure, but I think this is the winner.......... Quote: The only one we knew for sure was the lightest one being from the BO (especially because we only have one BO and we have multiples) because that was way later and she was the only one in the coop. Thank you, everyone...
  3. dweej

    Which egg came from which breed? (pic)

    Look! Our first eggs! Which egg came from which breed? We have a buff orp, production reds, and barred rocks Exciting!
  4. dweej

    Proud chick-mama moment!

    Quote: WooHoo!! Can't wait for that to happen here, still going through the bedtime ordeal every night. It'll happen! I couldn't imagine it happening with ours but then...voila
  5. dweej

    Proud chick-mama moment!

    Thank you! Yes, so far things have been working out great. And do you want to HEAR what my hubby said a couple of days ago??? brace yourselves... "I think we might need a few more. I mean, we've got the space" Hahahaaaaa!!!!
  6. dweej

    Proud chick-mama moment!

    Our 7 week old chicks started sleeping out in their (zero dollar) coop one week ago today. Every night we've had to round them up and show them how to go up the ramp to bed. Well tonight I went out there and (drumroll please!!!!) all eight of them were sittin' pretty on their perches, snuggled...
  7. dweej

    Is this Buff Orpington a roo?

    Quote: We got them 6 weeks ago today from TSC and they were brand new, so I'm guessing a tiny bit, but it's pretty close. Is there something different you can tell at 6 or 8 weeks?
  8. dweej

    Chickens don't forage

    Our 7 week old birds have a HUGE fenced area all to themselves and have been out there for almost a week. Up until this morning, they stayed in the same 4x4 square. We were so excited to look out earlier today and see them chattering together 15 feet away from the coop. Woo hoo! They're real...
  9. dweej

    Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

    Our chicks are 7 weeks old and we've got two Buff Orps (think one may be a cockerel and one a pullet, but still not sure yet...) They are both so sweet and docile!
  10. dweej

    Is this Buff Orpington a roo?

    Thanks guys. "He" is super friendly and outgoing, but not aggressive. Yet. Hopefully he stays that way and we can keep him
  11. dweej

    Is this Buff Orpington a roo?

    Hello Chicken Masters! We have two seven-week-old Buff Orpington chicks and although neither of them has tried to crow yet, one of them does have a substantially larger comb already. I'm starting to thing "he" is a roo and the other one is a pullet, but I just don't know enough to really...
  12. dweej

    Dog with Chicks?

    I would agree with posters who say it's the training not the breed that will decide if the dog coexists with the chickens. We have three australian shepherds and the two that we raised from puppies are very respectful and the one one we didn't is a bit of a....turd. Our chicks are also 6 weeks...
  13. dweej

    Zero Dollar chicken coop in process!

    Quote: sent you a pm...I'm a little embarrest....yours so much more fun and interesting and mine's just about my family, mostly my kids! Oh my have 4 cats and 49 chickens. That's exciting right there! AND, on another note...the chicks are IN the coop I can't believe he...
  14. dweej

    Zero Dollar chicken coop in process!

    Quote: What's your blog address? I'd love to take a look! sent you a pm...I'm a little embarrest....yours so much more fun and interesting and mine's just about my family, mostly my kids! Oh my have 4 cats and 49 chickens. That's exciting right there! AND, on another...
  15. dweej

    Zero Dollar chicken coop in process!

    Quote: I just saw your blog...I have blog too...But yours in an amazing story and your kids are Adorable! What's your blog address? I'd love to take a look!
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