Recent content by dwlacy

  1. dwlacy

    pus around/in eye

    no small cuts around the eye, the pus seems to be mainly in the corner of his eye just using warm water to clean it, then putting antibiotic cream all around the eye
  2. dwlacy

    pus around/in eye

    My tom keeps getting pus in his eye that I have to keep cleaned out every day or so. It also builds up a creamy goo in the skin fold over that eye. Only one eye is affected & he seems healthy....eating fine, chasing the ladies like is supposed too.... any thoughts on why this is happening?
  3. dwlacy

    blue copper marans chick or a splash?

    I would prefer it to be it will look like a birchen marans when grown, cause it looks nothing like the blue copper marans chicks i got?
  4. dwlacy

    blue copper marans chick or a splash?

    I have a blue copper marans hen that is in the coop with a birchen marans roo & a blue copper marans roo. the bcm roo was hatched at the same time as her & they have been together every since. the bm roo is the boss of the coop. so I'm not sure who is the father of the two chicks that have...
  5. dwlacy

    broody turkey hen

    two of my three turkey hens have stopped laying & the third one is still laying, but gone broody. is it normal for the two hens to have stopped laying? they have been laying for about a month and a half.... the broody hen I've marked two eggs to leave her & collect just the one egg she lays...
  6. dwlacy

    keet with strange wings

    nope....feeding them 22% nutrena gamebird feed & putting a liquid b-12 supplement in their water.... I brought these home in a cardboard box about a week ago, and they all have been looking fine until yesterday when I noticed this one keets wings.... I think it will eventually turn out...
  7. dwlacy

    I found their nest!!!!!

    thank you for that info.... no basement, but with no central heat or air my house stays cooler then outside, except during the summer....
  8. dwlacy

    keet with strange wings

    no, I've had keets once or twice before, but this is the first time I've seen it in keets that little....but, I have seen something similar in keets about a month or two old that had droopy wings....that bird could not fly to well, & I think it eventually got normal....
  9. dwlacy

    keet with strange wings

    one of my week old keets wings look strange....they stick out, are longer and droop, also, the keet does not seem to have full control of them....
  10. dwlacy

    I found their nest!!!!!

    do I store my turkey eggs the same way? point end down, elevate one end & rotate it three times a day? will they keep 7-10 before they need to be incubated? thanks....
  11. dwlacy

    turkey hens laying different size eggs

    kinda thought that might be why....first time laying for my hens & they have just started laying....thanks
  12. dwlacy

    turkey hens laying different size eggs

    I have three turkey hens and am getting 2 or 3 eggs a day. I have noticed that the eggs vary in size, one what I would consider a normal sized turkey egg, 103g, then one a little smaller, 83g & one about the size of a duck egg, weighing 71g, and was wondering why there was such a variance in size.
  13. dwlacy

    turkey hen acting strange

    oh, happy day....the hen layed it up on the platform where I feed the guineas & turkeys....real easy to find & safe from anything stepping on it or eating it....
  14. dwlacy

    turkey hen acting strange

    first turkey egg....a least I think it is, surely it's not a guinea egg....
  15. dwlacy

    duckling with hurt leg

    owls are a concern, there seem to be a lot around, but I haven't seen or heard many thirteen guineas I have free ranging my property have managed to dodge aerial assaults successfully, knock on wood....they sleep in a large hazelnut tree about 8 ft from the back of my house....I can...
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