Recent content by eggsackly

  1. eggsackly

    Egg Eating Chicken and I am out of ideas

    I suggest you make a great big pot of chicken and dumplins. I personally don't believe there's any way to break an egg eatin' chicken or a chicken killin' dog. I've had experience with both.
  2. eggsackly

    Why have chickens?

    I agree with what some have said about chickens being better than Prozac. They are WONDERFUL stress relievers. Just pull up a chair, with a big glass of iced tea of course, and sit and watch them do what chickens do.
  3. eggsackly

    My chicken sang the egg song!

    Wow. Some of ya'll, (yep I'm from the south), pay a lot more attention to your chickens than I do. I go out once a day, feed, water and check for eggs. Sometimes late in the afternoon/evening if the weather is not too hot, I'll go out and have my chicken therapy. I sit in a lawn chair and watch...
  4. eggsackly

    Putting the girls into their new hen house-HELP!

    I think they need to be kept inside exclusively for a couple of weeks so they have time to learn that is where they belong. Or they might not go back in at night.
  5. eggsackly

    coop bedding- what do you prefer??

    I live in a very sandy area of N. E. Texas and the sand has never had a negative effect on my chickens. Thank goodness, because the only way I could eliminate the sand would be to move.
  6. eggsackly

    coop bedding- what do you prefer??

    I live in a very sandy area of N. E. Texas and the sand has never had a negative effect on my chickens. Thank goodness, because the only way I could eliminate the sand would be to move.
  7. eggsackly

    coop bedding- what do you prefer??

    I have a suggestion for the fly problem. You need to hang some fly traps. These can be found at Walmart or feed stores and contain a bait that draws the flies in and they can't escape. You just fill them with water and hang them up. There's also the sticky tape that you hang up and flies get...
  8. eggsackly

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    My chickens don't need a nest, they lay whether there's a nest or not. Sometimes they lay in the nest, sometimes it's in the middle of the pen, or just wherever. A nest is more for our convenience than the chicken's. Sometimes a young hen who has never layed, will sit on a nest or the ground off...
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