Recent content by EMAW

  1. EMAW

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Happy New Year everyone. Glad to see the Pheasant is back, he has obviously found a place to call home. Of all the game birds out there they are tied with the wood duck in beauty for me. After growing up hunting pheasants, they will do just fine here as long as they have a food source and...
  2. EMAW

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Merry Christmas Michigan. May you all have a wonderful Christmas season.
  3. EMAW

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Beautiful picture.
  4. EMAW

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    That sounds yummy!!!!
  5. EMAW

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Thoughts and prayers for those up north with power problems. The snow around Kalamazoo was pretty much gone by noon yesterday, a few patches holding on but not much. Now it's just a wet and muddy mess. Opa, I also did all of our shopping this morning but mine was out of necessity for coffee...
  6. EMAW

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Good Morning Michigan, It has been a while since I have been around. The move and transition back to the States was more difficult for the family than we anticipated. We are finally settled into an apartment and will move into our house in Feb. No way to catch up on what has happened over...
  7. EMAW

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    That first one is going to be sporting a tall rack this fall. Nice pictures.
  8. EMAW


    Finally back and actually living in MI now. Not going to try and catch up on 6 weeks of post but from the couple pages I have read, prayers and good thoughts out to everyone who is sick or has family sick and not doing well. RaZ good luck, it sounds like your saga continues with Gov BS. I...
  9. EMAW


    Bretheren, Here is a link to a self-locking poop door that slides. This is currently automatic but I don't see why you could not also make it a manual pull. The caveat is I have not built this but intend to...
  10. EMAW


    Nice work. Tap.  (Looks like EMAW found that missing "r") ;)   That's what I get for using the iPad. :D.
  11. EMAW


    Traprock, happy birthday and nice job on the coop!
  12. EMAW

    Farm Sign... I love it!!!

  13. EMAW


    Now on the tractor discussion, GO GREEN, foreign engines or not. I think both my grandfathers would come out of their graves if I ever drive something that is not Green. My son has a picture from my one grandfather's farm with all of the Deere's lined up in the corn field. He never met my...
  14. EMAW


    Nova, prayers and good vibes for you and your family. Teeville, prayers and good vibes also for you and your DD.
  15. EMAW


    Congratulations RaZ!!!! Best of luck with the city attorney.
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