Recent content by EmHuffman

  1. EmHuffman

    how do you sex exchequer leghorn (6 week photos added)

    Thank you! Her name is Miss Pollock
  2. EmHuffman

    Exchequer Leghorns

    Is this a hen or a roo? Pic was taken at 21-22 weeks. 23-24 weeks old now. No crowing, but he/she would "spar" with another pullet that def turned out to be a roo (that one has since been rehomed). Not showing any agression or "pushiness" to other female pullets.
  3. EmHuffman

    how do you sex exchequer leghorn (6 week photos added)

    I am also looking for help sexing an exchequer leghorn. I've never had them and thought this was a roo, but when I started googling, it looks like it may be a hen after all. Anyone know for sure? Age when this pic taken was around 21-22 weeks
  4. EmHuffman

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    I think I ended up with an Exchequer Leghorn and, having never had leghorns, I thought the large comb and long tail feathers meant I had a cockerel. However, I've been googling pics and think this may be a hen after all!! Can anyone more familiar with Leghorns positively sex him/her for me...
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