Recent content by emmawhelan

  1. emmawhelan

    HELP! Lethargic chicken, possible egg binding!

    Really sorry to hear this! Poor girl :( Yeah there really isn't anything worse than not knowing!
  2. emmawhelan

    HELP! Lethargic chicken, possible egg binding!

    Hello, thankfully she is back to full health now. Turned out to be either a leg/hip problem. Does she have any other symptoms? My chicken must have jumped out of the coop, she's quite a heavy bird too. She was very lethargic, wasn't moving, eyes closed, not eating or drinking.. she couldnt...
  3. emmawhelan

    Chicken can't walk/use its legs and panting

    Thanks so much for all the links - looking at them I don't think its Mareks. She's completely back to normal now apart from one claw which is curled. However when I support her wight she uncurls it and looks normal. I've brought a perch into the house and I've been putting her on it for short...
  4. emmawhelan

    Chicken can't walk/use its legs and panting

    She laid on Thursday. My first thought before she laid was that she was egg bound - the egg was smashed but I think this may have been due to her lack of mobility. She was laying fine before that, about 5 eggs a week. I might try her with some worming tablets.
  5. emmawhelan

    Chicken can't walk/use its legs and panting

    On Thursday I noticed a problem with my chicken. She couldn't stand and was finding it difficult to hold her head up/open her eyes. She was very weak so I brought her inside. By the end of thursday she was much brighter, drinking and eating quite happily. She's still like this however she...
  6. emmawhelan

    HELP! Lethargic chicken, possible egg binding!

    I don't think it's vent gleet. I've been giving her probiotic yoghurt, she's quite happily eating and drinking now. She seems very alert however she still cannot stand. She's just resting on the ground, ideas anyone?
  7. emmawhelan

    HELP! Lethargic chicken, possible egg binding!

    I think it's probably runny because she's had so much water and no food!
  8. emmawhelan

    HELP! Lethargic chicken, possible egg binding!

    Ok thanks for that, i'll put some in their run. It's definitely not an impacted crop though. Her crop is full again but it's entirely water. She seems to have perked up a little.. she's drinking fine. But she still isn't mobile.
  9. emmawhelan

    HELP! Lethargic chicken, possible egg binding!

    she's just pooped it's very dark green and theirs a thick milky looking substance too
  10. emmawhelan

    HELP! Lethargic chicken, possible egg binding!

    She's been inside for about 2 hours now , she hasn't pooped at all. It's been around 20degrees the last couple of days, hitting highs of around 28 degrees. The other chickens are fine and my sick chicken is by far the hardiest. I mix oyster shell in with her feed - i thought this was an...
  11. emmawhelan

    HELP! Lethargic chicken, possible egg binding!

    After some research I did come across impacted crops. I've now fully emptied the crop - the contents were smelly but not revolting - so i've ruled out sour crop. Without the fluid the crop is now very small, when I massage it I can feel some gritty bits inside but nothing that feel's like a ball...
  12. emmawhelan

    Crop related illness

    My chicken is very lethargic and is finding it difficult to stand. To begin with I thought it may have been an impacted egg. She's since laid an egg which has smashed - I'm thinking this may have been due to her limited mobility rather than any egg problems. Her crop was very swollen. I've...
  13. emmawhelan

    HELP! Lethargic chicken, possible egg binding!

    Took a half day at work to come back and check on her. I'm bathing her now, she's had an egg on the floor of the roosting house... shes still lethargic. Don't know what to do with her. If anyone can help, please do!
  14. emmawhelan

    HELP! Lethargic chicken, possible egg binding!

    I woke up this morning and this sounds like my chicken. I picked her up with no resistance from her... she isnt moving her feet when i touch them, her head/neck is hanging and she's closing her eyes. is this binding, what is soaking?
  15. emmawhelan

    Flooring for the coop run

    thanks very much i'll have a read!
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