Recent content by EmpyreQueen

  1. E

    Week old chick help

    She did not make it sadly
  2. E

    Week old chick help

    Well I think I've done all I can. I've given her Nutri Drench, hydro hen, raw egg yolk, I have her separated so she won't get picked on. I really hope she makes it. She's sleeping right now. I soaked some chick feed and left it next to her so hopefully she will start to eat here in a bit if the...
  3. E

    Week old chick help

    Hello! I have 6, one week old chicks. All are doing great except one. Shes half the size of the others. Is always "sleepy" and has droopy wings. I've got her separated from the rest, and have been making sure she's drinking. Idk if she's eating tho! Food looks untouched. What could be wrong and...
  4. E

    New member and im an idiot

    Thata amazing! I Think we will do this next time round
  5. E

    New member and im an idiot

    I had/have a broody hen but none if her eggs hatched. Im gonna have to get rid of them soon.
  6. E

    New member and im an idiot

    Thank you! My incubator is spiking temps tho. Its all of a sudden trying to go to 102. Im struggling to keep it down. Any advice
  7. E

    New member and im an idiot

    Yes! Exactly that. I have 2 out so far
  8. E

    New member and im an idiot

    Thank you! I have indeed read the assist hatch article. If it comes to that I will attempt but a of right now I have 2 out of the egg ! Hoping the rest come out soon
  9. E

    New member and im an idiot

    Thank you! I'll do that
  10. E

    New member and im an idiot

    I didnt because I was trying to not open it too much as what I've read scared me crapless on locking it down etc after day 17. But I will tonight when I get off work. Or have my husband do it when he gets home
  11. E

    New member and im an idiot

    Thats an awesome set up!
  12. E

    New member and im an idiot

    Lol that makes me less worried about their temps now.
  13. E

    New member and im an idiot

    Omg! Ya I have mine attached to a thermostat and when it got to 102 I freaked out lol glad yours hatched!!
  14. E

    New member and im an idiot

    Its a modified still air with a fan inside to circulate the air The eggs were on a turner
  15. E

    New member and im an idiot

    If any of them successfully hatch i will definitely be sharing with yall
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