Recent content by emslickchicks

  1. emslickchicks

    Gender Guess on Buff Brahma Bantam

    This is my other one for comparison. The comb on the one I’m not sure of is not nearly as red as it shows in these pics.
  2. emslickchicks

    Gender Guess on Buff Brahma Bantam

    This one is about 6 weeks old. Buff Brahma Bantam. Any ideas on sex? I have one already that is for sure a pullet. This one just has a darker comb and wattles coming in. Thanks in advance :)
  3. emslickchicks

    Sexing Silkie Chicke

    Thank you!!
  4. emslickchicks

    More Gender Guesses

    Two more of my silkies. Both were born the end of July. Any guesses on genders? One is a mauve, the other a BBS. THANK YOU!
  5. emslickchicks

    Sexing Silkie Chicke

    Hey! I know it’s probably too early to tell, but I have a feeling this paint Silkie is a Boy. “Maggie” was hatched in 7/28. Thoughts!? Thanks!
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