Recent content by ETCruby620

  1. ETCruby620

    Special needs chickens contest

    This is my old chicken Teddy... she bumped into trees and ran in circles. LOL
  2. ETCruby620

    chickens or puppies?

    Windy because I love wind in my hair Fried Chicken or Fried Pickels?
  3. ETCruby620

    Silkie thread!

    This is my Ruby!!!!!*She is not dead she is just laying on her back* *And the thing I am holding is a comb not a knife LOL*
  4. ETCruby620

    An Online Poultry Show - CONTEST ENDED - RESULTS POST #25 PAGE 3

    This is Ruby: *She is not dead in this pic she is laying on her back*
  5. ETCruby620

    Avatar Rating

    Thanks! Yes. Thats Ruby. Yours is a 10 too!!!
  6. ETCruby620

    Avatar Rating

    10 awwwwwwww!!!!!
  7. ETCruby620

    chickens or puppies?

    Chickens DUHHHH thats why I am on here or else i'd be on backyard ducks... LOL JK that isn't real.... Pandas or Koala?
  8. ETCruby620

    chickens or puppies?

    Haha PayPal is crap! Jersey Giants sound WAY more intresting. Silkie or Showgirl?
  9. ETCruby620


  10. ETCruby620

    chickens or puppies?

    Snowboard Visa or PayPal? Ruby
  11. ETCruby620

    Yum or Yuck?

    I would not want to eat that. YUCK! Fried Pickles? Ruby
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