Recent content by ettatrautz

  1. ettatrautz

    Float Testing, Checking Egg Viability For Late Or Overdue Hatching

    Mine sank and there were live chickens in there. They sadly stopped chirping and didn't make it out at day 24 though. I tried to assist later that day when I figured it was their only chance, but they we're long gone. We eggtopsied some of the eggs that didn't make it to hatch and found they...
  2. ettatrautz

    Float Testing, Checking Egg Viability For Late Or Overdue Hatching

    They're actually chicken eggs.... Sorry my sis is the quail pro and sent me here! Completely forgot to mention they're chicken eggs!
  3. ettatrautz

    Float Testing, Checking Egg Viability For Late Or Overdue Hatching

    What if the eggs sink to the bottom but rock around? 14/18 eggs did this (I float checked before lockdown) I'm on day 23 and still no chicks. I had one day that the temp and humidity were extremely low on day 12, the ac went wacky in the hatch room. I'm not sure what's going on if there's...
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