Recent content by evagay

  1. evagay

    How long do Chicks need to be on Chick Starter?

    we feed ours start and grow. They can be on that until they are 18 weeks old..
  2. evagay

    Comment by 'evagay' in article 'Why are my hens not laying?'

    thank you. Are chickens have not been laying well but it has been unusually hot for us. In the high 90s and even 100 degrees. We will put the apple cider in their water.. Been watering their pen down. They seem to like that. Also giving them cool water during the day... i thought the heat could...
  3. evagay

    Apples Seeds bad?

    We hang apples for our girls all the time.. I have also read where people have their chicken run under two apple tress and their chickens eat the apples all the time. We have never had a problem with them.. However I do not think I would give onions or raw potato peelings to my chickens even tho...
  4. evagay

    WARNING ~ Apple seeds are poisonous!

    we also have given our chickens apples many times with no ill effects.. I am so sorry for your loss. Please do not blame yourself. I think maybe there must have been another reason you lost your feathered friend
  5. evagay

    Comment by 'evagay' in item 'Barred Rock'

    I read that you need to cool their breast off to stop them from being broody... This lady would put hers in a rabbit hutch with a wire floor so the cool air would circulate around them there by cooling them off. Somebody told me to dip mine in cool water.. This lady I read about says she does...
  6. evagay

    we have a chick that hatched on Mon the 18th.. The chick is doing fine. Mama is sitting on two...

    we have a chick that hatched on Mon the 18th.. The chick is doing fine. Mama is sitting on two more eggs... We are thinking of taking the eggs away from her. How long should we wait to take them? should we give them more time to hatch?
  7. evagay

    What are the red "blood spots" on egg yolks?

    it is a meat spot from a ruptured vessel as the egg was being formed. It does not mean it is fertile. It is also safe to eat. You can take it out if you wish but it will not hurt you and you will not taste it. So you are right your worried family is wrong and has nothing to worry about eat and...
  8. evagay

    Calling all Blind chicken experts!

    when you all say your blind hen does fine with the rest of the flock, just what does that mean? Our blind Wyandotte is the low chicken on the pecking order. She is afraid of the other hens and they tend to take advantage of that.. they well peck at her if she is eating or if they dont like where...
  9. evagay

    i am in Oregon and i have a weird 5 mo. old Wyandotte Hen.. HELP !!

    I do believe the rooster is a big part of it... Yes he was a surprise rooster for us too.... The other hens have dealt with him fine. I do find his interaction with the other chickens interesting. He makes a funny noise around them when everything is ok but if he thinks there might be danger a...
  10. evagay

    i am in Oregon and i have a weird 5 mo. old Wyandotte Hen.. HELP !!

    we have 11 chickens . 10 hens 1 rooster. One of the hens is afraid to get off the roost by herself. I have to lift her off so she can eat and drink, if another chicken comes in the hen house while she is eating she will go back up on the roost. She will not leave the hen house to go outside. We...
  11. evagay

    what kind do i have? and are they roosters or hens?

    thanks, just never heard of it. We have older chickens but they are aways from the house so i am not around them as much. When we got our new bunch we built a hen house at the back of our yard , so i am more aware. We got our first egg from one of our Wyandottes this morning... All the other...
  12. evagay

    what kind do i have? and are they roosters or hens?

    Will a rooster hop in and out of a nest to encourage a hen to lay? I have never heard of this before. Somebody told me this and i have a hard time believing this..
  13. evagay

    Help!! one chicken dead another sick

    We also have ost one chicken and another not doing well. We are also wondering if it is the heat !!
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