Recent content by FaereChicken

  1. FaereChicken

    Lancaster Chicken Coops - experience?

    We’re starting up our flock again, and absolutely don’t have time to build a decent coop. I notice that several folks have bought these - how was your experience? How is it holding up?
  2. FaereChicken


    They've been eating non-organic layer pellets, and the occasional leftovers, and there's good ventilation. I've swithced back to organic now that my local supplier is able to get it again
  3. FaereChicken


    I've noticed over the last few months that our coop smells pretty bad. We clean, and move them around, and they were wormed last month: still really stinky poo. Is this indicative of either parasites or bacteria? Thx!
  4. FaereChicken

    Will pullets start laying even though the winter is coming?

    We got our first egg from a 5 month old Susex yesterday!
  5. FaereChicken

    Hostlie Roo

    I've noticed that once the roos reach a certain age, their behavior can change.
  6. FaereChicken

    Darn another baby predator caught!

    Cute, but when they're small they can break into coops more easily
  7. FaereChicken

    Sick chickens?

    Curiously, I just noticed mine doing the same, though no sneezing. Could it be heat-related/
  8. FaereChicken

    All baby chicks dead??? How?

    I lost a few pullets last year in the same kind of kennel. Had to be raccoons.
  9. FaereChicken

    Killdeer eggs?
  10. FaereChicken

    Heritage Silver Pencilled Plymouth Rock Breeding TRIO

    Gorgeous birds! Wish they were closer
  11. FaereChicken

    Free-range Rooster

    Do you suppose that if we had more than one rooster, we would look less like competition to them? I hate to get rid of him just because he's being a rooster.
  12. FaereChicken

    Free-range Rooster

    Hi all; I'd like to let our small flock out (when the flower beds are grown enough to withstand all the scratching), but here's my problem: when the hens see me, they come running for food. When the rooster sees me, he comes running to kick my kneecaps, right behind the hens. I don't want to...
  13. FaereChicken

    LF & Bantam Polish, Dutch Bantams, Ameraucana, Marans ~ MD

    I'm interested in a Black Copper Marans cockeral!
  14. FaereChicken

    your coop is H2O proof

    Our coop has a roof made of Ondura. It's a metal roof imitation from Lowe's, made of, I dunno, stuff. It wasn't expensive and it works very well.
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