Recent content by Farm Sweet Farm

  1. Farm Sweet Farm

    I know it is a bantam...but what kind?

    The red one has feathered feet. They are both hens I just need to find out what kind of bantam they are!:hu I will also post a pic of my black bantam that is a Cochin. The first ones are Clarabelle and Callie and I don't know what breed of bantam they are. The second pic is Chloe, my...
  2. Farm Sweet Farm

    Refrigerating eggs

    That is what mine last. I guess it just depends.
  3. Farm Sweet Farm

    What are Your Chickens Named?

    This is miss Chloe and my little guy jasper the barn cat. :love
  4. Farm Sweet Farm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I remember when we were waiting for our first egg, my brother put a store bought egg in our coop. I went back and saw it and was so excited. Then I remembered that we had bantams and they wouldn't lay eggs this big. I was so mad at my brother until we finally got our first egg only a few weeks...
  5. Farm Sweet Farm

    Refrigerating eggs

    Yes you can leave them out as long as temperature stays consistent. They just last longer in fridge.
  6. Farm Sweet Farm

    Bantam lover

    I will have better pictures when I get a chance tomorrow!
  7. Farm Sweet Farm

    How to get chickens in the coop at night

    We get scratch in a cup ( my chickens LOVE scratch) and when we shake it, they come running. We just sprinkle some in the coop and they go in. This may take some training, but it has saved us a lot of time!
  8. Farm Sweet Farm

    Refrigerating eggs

    It is Better to refrigerate eggs. Refrigerated eggs last longer and last about a month.
  9. Farm Sweet Farm

    Ant problem in run ?!?

    I don't think that the ants would hurt your girls if they ate them. I wouldn't try to use any bug killer because that will harm your chickens. My chickens have eaten plenty of ants and they are fine so if you just left the ants, nothing would hurt your chickens.
  10. Farm Sweet Farm

    Broody Hen Thread!

    As Long as there is no nesting material then that would do just fine!
  11. Farm Sweet Farm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I am sorry about your losses. :hugs
  12. Farm Sweet Farm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    At least they are laying!
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