Recent content by Farmer In Training

  1. Farmer In Training


    i would take them the same thing happened to me today and i put them back and the mother killed them. not uncommon for first time mothers, it is very sad.
  2. Farmer In Training

    Broody hen started killing chicks

    it’s just so weird cause i have had plenty of broody hens (both good and bad mamas) and she was showing signs of being such a good one. yes, she is alone.
  3. Farmer In Training

    Broody hen started killing chicks

    I am so so sad and confused. Last night, my broody hen hatched 9 beautiful chicks and was doing everything right. No lethargic chicks; everything was great. Went to go feed her this morning and there were five laying there bloody and dead (clearly pecked in the head) but the other 4 she was very...
  4. Farmer In Training

    What do I do if my duckling has a crooked neck?!

    And here is him when we first got him. (As you can see his neck was pretty bad. )
  5. Farmer In Training

    What do I do if my duckling has a crooked neck?!

    Here’s my sweet boy when his head first started to straighten out. (He was about 1 week old. )
  6. Farmer In Training

    What do I do if my duckling has a crooked neck?!

    hey all! This is just in case someone ever looks this up on google. Hi. I recently went through a long journey with a little duckling named twister. His neck had developed wrong and it was curved. If you have a duckling like this and need some advice, I’m answering some questions I had that I...
  7. Farmer In Training

    Got a wild egg but no brain to back it up

    An incubator is definantly more ideal than a heat lamp if you ask me. Heat lamps are not designed to hatch eggs so the babies could die really fast. If I were you I would try to get my hands on an incubator for hatching so their eggshells aren’t dried out. But good job saving them!
  8. Farmer In Training

    Incubating wild mallard egg questions/concerns

    Just looked it up.. they should hatch on about day 30 so this is good
  9. Farmer In Training

    Incubating wild mallard egg questions/concerns

    Duck eggs typically hatch after day 21 so this is normal. I don’t think they look dead. If I were you put them back in the incubator and just see what happens... maybe do research on when duck eggs normally hatch especially for mallards.
  10. Farmer In Training


    Okay. So to make a long story short my incubator is awful but I wanted to let the remaining chicks develop fully to hatch and only one hatched and it fell under the hatching pad i don’t even know how so I had to unscrew the hatching pad and save it and there are other eggs that look like they...
  11. Farmer In Training

    Chickens very stressed when put into coop

    Hi! The same exact situation happened to me with my 48 baby chicks at six weeks .. we decided to just leave them. Since they don’t have a roost they just bundle together wherever they can, (it’s very random.) now they are about 8-9 weeks and they still all sleep bundled up like that (plus five...
  12. Farmer In Training

    Need incubator help!!

    Hey everyone! So, here is the story. I have had a Magicfly incubator for awhile now and have hatched many chicks from it and normally get 95-100 percent hatch rate each time, (SUCH a good incubator) but I decided I wanted something bigger so I ordered a bigger incubator off of amazon with okay...
  13. Farmer In Training

    Best place or ways to get hatching eggs?

    hey y’all! So I have ninety six chickens and I love incubating so I normally just incubate my own eggs, but I want to start branching out and getting some more rarer breeds. Does anyone know good places to get hatching eggs that are also on the cheap side? They would need to be Online and able...
  14. Farmer In Training

    Muscovy duckling with deformed Tibia

    I have had a chicken with the same thing and we just let her do her thing. She died at about one year old, but lived her best life until then. I don’t know what your duck looks like, but our sweet girl walked funny but could still walk. Can yours? Do you have any pictures? :)
  15. Farmer In Training

    My chickens are loosing their feathers

    ugh.. okay. So we have around 35 to 40 chickens, in three seperate coops. In one of the coops, (we call it the mixed breed coop) we have mixed breeds with 20 chickens in there and two roosters. (The roosters never really fight. ) Recently, the chickens are loosing their feathers and it is not...
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