Recent content by farmerpete

  1. farmerpete

    baby chicks dying

    from farmerpete. just bought six baby black sex links ,six baby rd.island reds,and two araconas. They are starting to die, and a couple of our other young chickens they are in with have died also. This morning we noticed that one of the sex link chicks is pooping blood. should i notify the...
  2. farmerpete

    Keeping Chickens In Houston Area (Southwest) Legal?

    from farmerpete. Hello , I'm not sure , but I would ask your neighbors how they felt about chickens. In some wards in Houston it's not legal, but not inforced until someone comlains. I live 41 mi. north of Houston in Cleveland., but lived in Houston 30 yrs. ago. I cash purchased 2 acres here...
  3. farmerpete

    Egg problem??

    from farmerpete Hi. Up the creek. Thanks for the opinion . We never chill our eggs and we candle them after 7 days in the bator. The 4 broody buffs nest are full of guinea eggs< 22in all> . So, I guess we'll see what happens with both guinea eggs under the buffs, and futher problems with the...
  4. farmerpete

    Egg problem??

    from Farmerpete. we have 24 yellow buff Orphs. and 24 white leghorns. Only 4 of our buffs get broody and none of the leg horns go broody, so we bought an incubator 2 months ago to put the leghorn eggs in. Everything went well with the hatching of 40 eggs.,so we decided the next batch would be...
  5. farmerpete

    texas laws

    From Farmerpete. I live north of Houston tx. Off hwy 59. I was told that you need To be licenced so the dept. of ag. can make sure that your chickens are desease free prior to being sold. We don't have one of those lic. , but we sell our eggs and sometimes a chicken or two< mostly roosters>...
  6. farmerpete

    Does my hen need a Shrink???

    from farmerpete. How old is she? Sounds like she's getting broody. Some of our yellow buffs used to roost in the nest boxes until a snake appeared one day, then it stopped . We have 12 nest boxes in one of our hen houses that our 24 yellow buffs roost in at night but they don't roost in the...
  7. farmerpete

    I dont want your eggs they are nasty GRAPHIC Video LINK

    from farmerpete. This video should be shown on "Good Morning America" , "60 Minutes" and every other Cable and local TV program as many times as it would take for Egg consumers, bakeries, resturants, to realize how dangerous those eggs can be, AVION FLU ANYONE???? Thank you very much for...
  8. farmerpete

    How long in the Brooder?

    From farmerpete. Hi. I don't keep my newly hatched chicks in a brooder, never have. I keep all my newly hatched babys in a large plastic bin or refrigerator size box with a heatlamp at one end to keep them warm. I keep them inside until they start to try flying out of the box<about 18'' high>...
  9. farmerpete

    noisey eggs ?

    Farmerpete here. My wife says she hears a peeping noise from our ready to hatch eggs. There are a couple of eggs on the wire screen that have the beak whole in the egg. my hearing is very bad and I told her that I don't see how they can make a peeping sound until they come out of the shell. I...
  10. farmerpete

    sexing day old barred rocks

    Farmerpete here. Hi, sexing a day old chick is easy if you do it the way I saw it done on the TV program"HOW ITS MADE" . The Hatchery would sort chicks by extending one wing and looking at the double row of feathers. If both rows were the same length, its a female. If the bottom row was longer...
  11. farmerpete

    And yet more turkey questions

    farmerpete here. Hello, I have turkeys and chickens. 24 yellow buffs 24 white leghorns < housed and in seperate 40x60. pens> 2 bourban red turkeys 3 black jersey giants, and 2 guineas. As far as space for chickens, I go by 5sq, ft, for each chicken. As for the turkeys, raise them with the...
  12. farmerpete

    Can Anyone Identify the Breed of this Hen? Added picture.

    Farmerpete here. Hello, Looks like a black japanese fantail from the angle of the photo.
  13. farmerpete

    Hi Everyone! New here with questions

    Farmerpete here,. In the future , if you want to determine the sex of you chickens, do it after they hatch and dry out. Extend one of their wings and you will notice two layers of fethers. If the bottom layer is longer than the top layer, then its a roo. If both layers are the same length, then...
  14. farmerpete

    Do all goats do this ?

    From famerpete . Hi, I raise goats also. don't worry about the head butting from the other goat. That is normal. We have a black spanish goat thats very loveable, she was here first and she lets our other goats know it , especially when its feeding time or when I give them treats. We have...
  15. farmerpete

    eureka california no poultry within 50 feet of dwelling help

    from farmerpete: Was in same sittuation when I lived in RIVERSIDE 35yrs. ago. I kept my turkey in my garage at night and the next morning I would let him out after neighbors went to work. One week end neighbors dog started barking when turkey gobbled. Animal control came out and told me that...
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