Recent content by farmerpookie

  1. farmerpookie

    Laying hens with "water belly" or "ascites"?

    This is Fanny, she has gotten huge! It's so hard to watch! Since there's no cure is it most humane to put her down? Or should I be draining the fluid to keep her comfortable or the rest of her life?
  2. farmerpookie

    Hens not roosting

    Thanks guys for your replies! I've since added a roof to the top of my nesting boxes as Ol' Grey Mare had suggested. But now more have started sleeping in the nesting boxes which has created quite the mess. I may end up adding a hinged door over the nesting boxes I close every night when I lock...
  3. farmerpookie

    Hens not roosting

    I purchased 25 two year old hens about three weeks ago. I never really checked on them at night. Last night I did however, and they are not using their roosts. They all were asleep on the top of the nesting boxes. Should I start moving them to the roosts nightly? Or is this habit fine to be...
  4. farmerpookie

    Dirty ol' coop

    Okay that's guys! Good to know! I won't worry to much about it then :p
  5. farmerpookie

    Toulouse Geese: Male or Female... any way to tell??

    Yes I am looking for another goose but was hoping I could get the opposite gender to breed. Unfortunately, one was taken by a predator and the other died and I'm not sure why :(
  6. farmerpookie

    Toulouse Geese: Male or Female... any way to tell??

    This is my Toulouse I have no idea it's sex lol I've had it for about six years but had two others with it up until two years ago. Someone was laying eggs when there was three, but now that there's the one I haven't found eggs. Could other factors be causing it not to lay if it is indeed female...
  7. farmerpookie

    Dirty ol' coop

    I've recently moved to a small acreage with a chicken coop already on the property. It's was already livable and I now have 25 hens but the walls and ceiling are dusty and covered in cobwebs. I know chickens would prefer a clean home but I'm unsure of the best way to clean up. It's made of raw...
  8. farmerpookie

    This hens new!

    Hey all! I'm a newbie here and to having my own chickens :) I live on beautiful Vancouver island in British Columbia and have a few acres where I now have 25 hens. I've read a few of the forums and they have been incredibly helpful so far and can't wait to learn more! Here's to happy hens...
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