Recent content by farmfrau1977

  1. farmfrau1977

    Prefab Chicken Coop Rip-Off?

    6 years ago I bought a small used one on Kijiji for $60 and after using it for 4 years for broody moms and chicks I sold it for $30 and replaced it with ones that I made from free shipping crates. They’re sturdy 4’x4’ boxes to which I added a hinged plywood roof and cut holes for windows that...
  2. farmfrau1977

    Paint Silkies

    This is mother with two daughters both from black rooster. So if I breed back to thir father they will get bigger black patches?
  3. farmfrau1977

    Paint Silkies

    What s the best combination to get nicely marked paints. I currently have three paint hens with a black rooster. If I get a paint rooster can he go with paint hens or should he have black hens?
  4. farmfrau1977

    2021 BYC Calendar - We Need Your Pictures!

    This is Dolly in the daisies.
  5. farmfrau1977

    Chicken Breed Focus - Bielefelder

    They come up on ebay quite regularly. Check under Hatching Eggs.
  6. farmfrau1977

    Chicken Breed Focus - Bielefelder

    Thanks Bine. I did do that this summer but I hadn't done it in the spring when I was trying to hatch eggs. He's not a young rooster he's my oldest one. Will be 3 in the spring and he seems to be more interested in food than he is in girls. A couple friends have said I should send him packing...
  7. farmfrau1977

    Chicken Breed Focus - Bielefelder

    My Bielefelder are 5 months old today so hopefully in another month he'll show some interest. The buff Orp. roo is with young girls. I have an older blue Orp who has been a real disappointment. Someone suggested that he is too big to breed successfully. The eggs from this year had only about a...
  8. farmfrau1977

    Chicken Breed Focus - Bielefelder

    Thanks Jeff. At what age did the rooster start to show interest? I have 4 buff Orps just a little older and the hens started to lay about 4 weeks ago. The rooster is crowing but not interested in the girls.
  9. farmfrau1977

    Chicken Breed Focus - Bielefelder

    Hi, I just joined today and was happy to find a thread on Bielefeder. I own a roo and 3 hens which hatched in July of 2015. No eggs yet but the roo has started to crow. So far I have found them to be the fastest growing breed that I have ever owned. They are in a coop of their own and are by...
  10. farmfrau1977

    Hi, I just joined and thought someone maybe able to help me with a question about quail

    Two years ago I was breeding Coturnix quail for eggs and it all went well as long as I only kept one male per pen with about 5-6 hens. However I have read many times that if they are given a large enough pen that multiple males can be kept together. This never seemed to work out for me. I had 3...
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