Recent content by FeatheredDinos

  1. FeatheredDinos

    Comment by 'FeatheredDinos' in article 'Guide to Assisted Hatching for All Poultry'

    Thank you! Excellent article and very helpful.
  2. FeatheredDinos

    Roosters - Tolbunt Polish Frizzle / Ayam Cemani

    I would take Polish Frizzle but I’m in TX too
  3. FeatheredDinos

    Heavy Breed

    Children should be supervised and taught to handle chicks carefully ... it is not something a child does naturally in my experience.
  4. FeatheredDinos

    Is my turkey a Broad Breasted?

    Griphon might get that big if I don’t stop “treating” him, he’s addicted to meal worms and canned cherries. But, I see what they mean when they say BB stand with feet wide apart. I wonder if that’s a true predictor, however? Seems natural feet would set wider apart as they grow bigger.
  5. FeatheredDinos

    Is my turkey a Broad Breasted?

    I went and felt his breasts but I can’t tell. I’ve never had turkeys, just ducks, geese and chickens. I should have taken my scale. He seems small to me unless he puffs up like he did for that picture I posted. Here he is compared to my Bantam roosters, he free ranges with them all day. Siren...
  6. FeatheredDinos

    Is my turkey a Broad Breasted?

    How old in that picture? Griphon is much smaller, and his feet are really close together but he’s only 4.5 months. I’m going to take the scale down there and weigh him. He doesn’t like me picking him up... but I will keep worrying until I know.
  7. FeatheredDinos

    Is my turkey a Broad Breasted?

    How do I check his breasts? Just reach into feathers and feel?
  8. FeatheredDinos

    Is my turkey a Broad Breasted?

    Here’s my Griphon. My teenage grandson brought him and a girl to me, he was working at Atwoods and he knew I loved birds. I never intended for him to become food, but I’m afraid he’s the kind that is intended to be food. Can anyone tell? I read in here that BBB stand with feet apart but Griphon...
  9. FeatheredDinos

    Hen with 2 vents (GRAPHIC PIC) UPDATE!!!!!!

    I have a gosling with two vents. She is swollen and appears to be impacted. She has 3 marble sized knots - one in each vent and one between the two vents. She does not like to be touched in the area. I’ve given Epsom baths, Dawn dishwashing baths, fed peas, eggs... am afraid she will die even...
  10. FeatheredDinos

    What’s Wrong With My Gosling?

    Yes Ma’am ... she’s pooping but I’m not sure from which vent...Sorry, I didn’t respond sooner - I’m a bit overwhelmed with babies right now - chicks, poults, ducklings and goslings everywhere
  11. FeatheredDinos

    Gosling with 2 Vents

    I have a month old gosling with two vents. She is still pooping, but there are 3 marble sized knots in that area ... I’ve given Epsom Baths - 3 days now. I gave her a Dawn Bath this morning, because I believe it’s an infection - impacted food? Any help would be greatly appreciated. We have no...
  12. FeatheredDinos

    What’s Wrong With My Gosling?

    #HELP please. I’ve never seen anything like this ... it appears my gosling has two anal openings but she’s very swolllen ... anyone have any idea what this is and how to treat it?
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