Recent content by Fernchick

  1. Fernchick

    3 Week old Barred Rock Suspected Roo?

    Ok... here are the two chicks in question again. They are now 5 1/2 weeks old. I'm really starting to think Raquel (the lighter one) is a Rocky. The darker one still has a small yellowish comb and no wattles. But if she/he is a Rocky, it's quite alright. I plan on keeping him if he's a good...
  2. Fernchick

    3 Week old Barred Rock Suspected Roo?

    I will post more pics at 6 weeks. Thank you!! :)
  3. Fernchick

    3 Week old Barred Rock Suspected Roo?

    My two barred rock chicks are now almost 3 weeks old and I'm suspecting one is a cockerel... which is ok, because I want to keep him. From what I've read here on the forums, a lot of white barring means male in barred rocks. First 3 photos of the suspected roo and last two photos of the darker...
  4. Fernchick

    How do you tell the Light Brahma rooster from the hens?

    You have a rooster there. Look at the difference in color and shape of the combs and waddles. Young roos combs will look like three rows and be much redder than pullets. I also see red waddles underneath.
  5. Fernchick

    How do you tell the Light Brahma rooster from the hens?

    I have one mature hen that crows occasionally.
  6. Fernchick

    The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

    Here are my 2 SLW at 9 weeks here in central Florida. They are hatchery chicks from the farm store. They were nearly all black when they first started feathering out., but seem to be getting more color every day. I'm assuming they are pullets since their combs and waddles look the same as they...
  7. Fernchick

    My White Leghorn "Pullet" is getting Buff feathers on Her (his?) Head!

    Update: This chick turned out to be a big pure white hen. She started laying nice brown eggs at exactly 4 months old! She's a big girl
  8. Fernchick

    Barred Rock at 3 Weeks... Pullet or Cockerel? Updated Pics, Chick now 5 weeks old

    Update: This chick turned out to be a Barred Rock - Easter Egger cross... she is laying light green eggs and has the heavy feathering on her neck. She has beautiful silver coloring, more spotted/laced than barred. I can post pics if anyone wants to see her now.
  9. Fernchick

    Is this a Bantam Brahma Chick? Can You Tell Gender from Color?

    Update: This chick turned out to be a barred bantam Cochin hen. 4 and half months old now, but not laying yet. She is very cute :)
  10. Fernchick

    Is this Barred Rock Mix a Pullet?

    Update: She has started laying nice light brown eggs!
  11. Fernchick

    Still Not Sure of Sex & Breed at 4 Months!

    Update... Stella has started laying small brown eggs! She's a girl! YAY!
  12. Fernchick

    Still Not Sure of Sex & Breed at 4 Months!

    Here is Stella at 4 months. I'm still wondering if she may be a cockerel because of her big legs and comb/wattles. No crowing, no pointy saddle feathers at all... all rounded feathers, and no cockerel behavior at all. In the past month her comb/wattles have reddened up and gotten larger and...
  13. Fernchick

    What Color Would You Call This Ameraucana Pullet?

    LOL... isn't that a hoot? What a coincidence! :)
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