Recent content by FinnEllaMom

  1. F

    Cockerel with balance issue

    Just found him like this. He needed help getting up. We have given him apple cider vinegar water. Any advice would be appreciated.
  2. F

    Cockerel with balance issue

    Salt (3 months old) is having issues with standing and walking. He is off balance and wobbly. We have separated him the girls. They're all fine. He is eating, drinking and 💩 we are thinking he has injured himself or has a neurological issue. Any thoughts? We don't want to put him down unless we...
  3. F

    Barred Plymouth Rock - Rooster?

    Thanks! So, currently I am able to pick Salt up. He fusses at first then settles down. If I continue to do this any chance he won't be a mean rooster? I've never had a rooster. I don't want to separate him from the girls. But, I've seen what a rooster can do... not just to people but the...
  4. F

    Barred Plymouth Rock - Rooster?

    I'm out of town... my neighbor took this picture. When I get home I will post more.
  5. F

    Barred Plymouth Rock - Rooster?

    So... this young one, Salt is 3 months old. Definitely the biggest of my flock. The comb and waddle is bigger than the other's. I've also included a picture of Pepper. Is it true that Barred Plymouth Rock roosters tend to be more docile?
  6. F

    Sold as a Bielefelder

    Thank you! Whatever they are I think they are cute and I am looking forward to seeing what color eggs they lay. 😃
  7. F

    Sold as a Bielefelder

    My two girls have some crazy feathers on top of their heads... I'm sure they're mixed with something but don't know enough about different chicken breeds. They have been very timid/skittish with me since I got them in February. They're good with the other girl's, RIR, Blue Andalusian, Olive...
  8. F

    Disease or is this the norm? I need some advice.

    Today I found one of my hens (Carol) dead in the coop. This summer we have lost 5 hens including Carol. One of them my husband performed an autopsy on and she was egg bound. Our girls are three yrs. old. Of the 5 - 2 definitely passed away from being egg bound, 2 - I don't know why & one...
  9. F


    Upon further investigation I believe she is egg bound. I watched her walk, her tail feathers are down, her vent is pulsating. I gave her calcium & an epsom salt bath. I also have crated her in a quiet spot. Hopefully she will be able to pass it. She has always laid extremely large eggs.
  10. F


    I'm not sure if this is an injury? I didn't witness her getting pecked by any of the others. My girls are almost 3 yrs. old & I've never seen anything like this. Any advice would be appreciated. She doesn't seem herself & I don't know what to do. Thank you.
  11. F

    Egg bound?

    She passed away last night. 😪
  12. F

    Egg bound?

    Update - she is puckering @ her vent. Her abdomen is hard. She is currently in another epsom salt bath. She had a dirty bottom, so she has expelled something. But she is much weaker and getting worse. I really don't know what to do. I don't want her to suffer, but don't know if I should put...
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