Recent content by Fliese

  1. Fliese

    Rales, no other symptoms

    I have a 1.5 year old easter egger who has raspy breathing (rales). She has no other symptoms. No discharge of any kind, egg production has been fine, activity level is normal, etc. Just the rales. I know many respiratory illnesses result in the surviving bird being a carrier for life. Is that...
  2. Fliese

    2 month old chickens dying

    As to the exploding eggs, I know one exploded the day before hatch. A few others disappeared or were found broken and empty around day 10-14. I'm not sure if they exploded or if the hen ate them. She also pooped on the next. I didn't candle her eggs because I thought she could be trusted to do...
  3. Fliese

    2 month old chickens dying

    Thanks for the advice and link. They've been on cocci meds for three days now. Everyone has been drinking it. I talked to the farm vet today and they think it might be a viral bronchitis infection, because the one chicken who is sick spills water from her beak when I tip her. That's new (or...
  4. Fliese

    2 month old chickens dying

    In June, I let a broody hatch out some chicks. She turned out to be a terrible mother and the eggs were all filthy, some exploded, four hatched and she nearly crushed the chicks. She will not get to sit on eggs again. Of the four that hatched, one was deformed and had to be culled, one died when...
  5. Fliese

    Crop Problems?

    The Ester Egger died.
  6. Fliese

    Crop Problems?

    This morning, three of the six who had squishy water crops had managed to empty. The other three (the sickly EE, the one who shed her intestinal lining, and one of the orps) still had the bloated water balloon crop situation. They've been without water or food for 12 hours now. I couldn't get...
  7. Fliese

    Crop Problems?

    It was about 80 today, but only around 70 yesterday. The EE definitely has something wrong with her, given her total lethargy. The others are more or less acting normal, just with this water balloon crop situation. Should I dose the flock with Corid? I did pick some up at the vet yesterday, so...
  8. Fliese

    Crop Problems?

    Hello. I have a flock of 15 mixed breed laying hens who are 5 mos old. Yesterday, I found two bloody poops and the intestinal lining of a bird. At first, I panicked and thought it was cocci, but later decided it wasn't (lack of additional bloody poop). The bird who pooped out her intestinal...
  9. Fliese

    Guineas losing toes??

    I was able to get a closer look and all five have toes in various stages of trouble. After looking online, I'm pretty sure it's frostbite. I don't really understand how it's happening, as they coop up every night and their roost is a 2x6, so their feet are easily covered. Do I need to cull them...
  10. Fliese

    Guineas losing toes??

    I have five guinea fowl who hatched in October (5mos old). I noticed one of them limping a few weeks ago. One of her toes looked swollen, so I figured that she hurt it jumping on the fence or something. I tried to catch her, but they really are afraid of people, even though I tried to handle...
  11. Fliese


    Yes, I saw her mentioned and PMed her last week. I should be getting a few birds from her in a little over a week. Hooray! Quote:
  12. Fliese

    North Dakota

    I'm just south of Fargo and have a flock of 25 right now, 16 different breeds. I am looking to get some Icelandic chickens to add to the flock as well. Anyone have chicks or a breeding trio to sell?
  13. Fliese


    I'm not from MN, but I'm only about 10min from the border... do any of you have Icelandic chicks or a breeding trio for sale?
  14. Fliese

    First hatch

    Well, the room with the incubator was starting to get a... unique... smell to it, so I went ahead and did the float test. All of them floated to show them as viable, but none were moving. I also candled them all and three of them didn't look to have developed any since the day 18 candle. There...
  15. Fliese

    First hatch

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