Recent content by Florida_girl

  1. Florida_girl

    Vacation waterer

    I am starting to brainstorm ideas for what to do when we go on vacation. Is it possible to make a waterer out of a 5 gallon bucket? any ideas?
  2. Florida_girl

    laying hens need good home

    Click on my website I have a video of them with my kids. They are 6 months old. I was told they are easter eggers and black stars. 2 brown layers 1 green layer 1 light tan layer
  3. Florida_girl

    laying hens need good home

    I live in Sarasota, I have 4 hens that need a good home. anyone close enough and interested?
  4. Florida_girl

    FLORIDA ANYONE?? Please sign on map!

    I may need to find my loved hens a new home. Any advice on where to look for a good home for them. My neighbors aren't too happy with me about them. I live in Sarasota if anyone is interested.
  5. Florida_girl

    feeder getting wet

    Quote: I just showed hubby your feeder. We will hopefully making this soon. until then we will move our existing feeder in hopes that it will stay dry. Thanks for your idea:)
  6. Florida_girl

    feeder getting wet

    Quote: If I were to hang the food under where the coop is.. would I put up some wood around the sides so the rain won't come in the sides. or use plastic ... probably plywood would work better?
  7. Florida_girl

    feeder getting wet

    My coop is small. click on my website and you can see the chicken coop/pen in the back by the fence. I can try to fit it in there. My hens still want out in wet weather then they run to hide under the slide.
  8. Florida_girl


    my hens love Salmon, and all type of fish. and I have never noticed it affecting the egg taste.
  9. Florida_girl

    feeder getting wet

    Everytime it rains I have to replace all the food in the feeder cause it gets wet. I need ideas on how to keep the feeder dry. the feeder is hanging in the run, the run does have a wood cover/top on it. Anyone have pictures or ideas for me?
  10. Florida_girl

    FLORIDA ANYONE?? Please sign on map!

    Sweetshoplady, welcome! I don't live too far from you... I'm in Sarasota. What kind of turtles do you have? I have two myself and a tortoise.
  11. Florida_girl

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    I've got 3 new layers. They just started laying last week.
  12. Florida_girl

    Why do my hens wipe their beaks?

    I have been wondering why my hens wipe their beaks on the ground? They seem to do it all the time.
  13. Florida_girl

    Loud Hens

    Update: I just wanted to give an update on our situation. We now have 3 out of 4 birds laying eggs. They have seemed to have calmed down from last week. I did have to ignore them for a few days. (not completly ignore just didn't feed them treats all day long) They still do look to me for...
  14. Florida_girl

    Chicken Show in Inverness Florida - THIS WEEKEND !!

    Great video! Thanks for posting it. It is nice to see so many different types of Chickens. Leah
  15. Florida_girl

    Loud Hens

    Quote: I moved a small food container up in their coop last night. That way they can eat at night. I also turned off the lights in the kitchen this morning, to hide from them. I did have to let them out of the run because they were screaming. but then got quiet maybe cause they couldn't...
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