Recent content by Foleys

  1. Foleys

    Foleyss Page

    Here is the story of how we got to become chicken owners. We came home from out of town one day and there they were 4 little chickens peckin at our door.. After a few days they didnt leave so we decided to keep them. We built our own coop and bought a rooster.. This is the first week had the...
  2. Foleys

    Egg Laying????? PIC heavy.

    Sorry about that I had to edit the post. Quote:
  3. Foleys

    Egg Laying????? PIC heavy.

    Quote: It's a little bit early to be frustrated that they're not laying yet. Give 'em another month or two. Just really really excited
  4. Foleys

    Egg Laying????? PIC heavy.

    Ok I know I have posted this before but I didnt get much feed back. I think my chickens are about 20 weeks old now and from what I am hearing they start about this age. Well the thing is is that mine have NOT and it is driving me crazy. We are not sure but we think we have only one hen but from...
  5. Foleys

    Well my chickens have not layed...

    Quote: But none of them are rooing yet
  6. Foleys

    Well my chickens have not layed...

    any eggs yet nor have any of the 5 crowed. We are thinking thay are about 18- 20 weeks old now. Any suggestions why they are not laying yet?
  7. Foleys

    Is this RIR a roo or pullet?

    I think it may be a Pullet here is mine.. This is a guess on her too not sure if a cockreal or pullet either but it is about 16 to 20 weeks.
  8. Foleys


    From what I have been told we have either RIR's, PR's, RSL's and from a rough guess they are about 16 to 20 weeks of age..
  9. Foleys


    I can not wait till my hens give me some.. I tell them everyday please please give me a egg and they still have not. I spoil them alot to make them happy and still no egss.. When do they start laying??
  10. Foleys

    Friends Welcome

    Says good morning to everyone and sips on some now cold coffee but still good.. So about 3 weeks ago I lost my job which now I am happy about because I have a new job.... in which I think I will be more happy at. It is in the retail business. I am so thankfull to get out of the food business...
  11. Foleys

    I am so mad right now.........:(

    Quote: More like relaxing and pampered than fun. Warm soak in a water jet thingy. Feet oiled and wrapped in hot towels, sanded and callouses removed, cuticles trimmed and lotioned. Nails trimmed and painted. Calves massaged... Great. Now I have to go sell a chicken so I go get one...
  12. Foleys

    I am so mad right now.........:(

    Quote: Yes they are fun and relaxing and they feel good.
  13. Foleys

    I am so mad right now.........:(

    Quote: I did ask them and they said that they didnt know if my hubby was going to get me a gift certificute to go. My point is even if he did now I got to go alone and it is much funner to go with people espically on your b-day.
  14. Foleys

    I am so mad right now.........:(

    I would not have expected it if we hadent had it planed for like a month and who wants to go by themselfs....It is not selfish to expect somthing that was planed. I just had my hopes up that we all could go together. I also understand that it is nine days away but they are not the type to go...
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