Recent content by fordkj2011

  1. fordkj2011

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    If on fb, got to the homesteaders swap meet and your local yardsellers for animal sellers. I live in harrison, and there are many in the nwa area. Just giving a tip.
  2. fordkj2011

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Haha, i dont need a rooster, if no one claims and you dont want him, call the 4h club see if they would take him. Good luck, you m8ght get some pretty chicks!
  3. fordkj2011

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Harrison, ar
  4. fordkj2011

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Harrison, Arkansas here!
  5. fordkj2011

    Baby Chick has swollen bald butt!???

    I have the same issue with one chick, 5 weeks old. Its just pink, bald...but because its bald i think it makes it look swollen. No marks, no bloody or diarrhea. Should i be worried? She is in with my 2 buffs and 2 dominques and i believe she is one of my b/rock 4 total. She may be Dominique.she...
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