Recent content by Franciee

  1. Franciee

    Wanted to Buy Houston Texas

    OK now I get it Wanted to Buy Houston should have said Houston Area told you my brain is not working. Have a wonderful day.
  2. Franciee

    Wanted to Buy Houston Texas

    Tell me what I said please it has gone over my head? (smile)
  3. Franciee

    Wanted to Buy Houston Texas

    Want two little duckies for my backyard. Please email me at [email protected]
  4. Franciee

    Wanted to buy two ducks

    I live in the Houston Texas area and would like to find a couple of baby ducks had to leave all my pets in the Hill country need a couple of duckies. Thank you.
  5. Franciee

    Diatamaticious Earth Austin,Tx Area

    Yes I have been using it for years now but my feed store that used to get it for me went out of business about a month ago and I don't want to have no where to go. Have a great day I feed it to my horses, chickens,ducks, dogs and cats they are a healty group. francine
  6. Franciee

    Diatamaticious Earth Austin,Tx Area

    Thank you so much I will start calling to make sure. francine
  7. Franciee

    Diatamaticious Earth Austin,Tx Area

    I know there is a feed store in Austin that sells this and I cannot remember the name someone please help.
  8. Franciee

    cat food

    Hi can chickens eat cat food.
  9. Franciee

    What did this

    Like I said there was one hole in the top of the netting that I fixed. Some of my chickens would not go in the pen last night I guess they were scaed to death. My GS would protect all my livestock and dose when needed she has killed preditors on my property before.
  10. Franciee

    What did this

    Thank you all. I am just upset I am in the Texas Hill Country Marble Falls. My pen is chain link with chicken wire around the bottem two feet up. And bird neeting over the top there was only one hole and I fexed it tonight we will see the hen house is also secure. The chickies free range during...
  11. Franciee

    What did this

    I have not posted in a while but this really upset me I have never seen such a brutal attack and cannot figure what would do it. My little girl was torn completely in half and looks like she was eaten from the inside out any ideas out there. I have lost chickens in the past but usually not in...
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