Recent content by Frango Asado

  1. Frango Asado

    Chickens First Night in the Coop

    Whoa. Dude. You have kept your birdies indoors for four months? Mine have been inside for four weeks, and I'm itchin' to haul their butts to the coop--mine is almost finished as well. Living in chilly California I don't have the wicked heat problem you do, so I'll probably run a heat lamp at...
  2. Frango Asado

    Isolating by age vs. gender

    They've had together time since the younger ones were a day old. The LCOs are much smaller than the BAs, but they hold their own and even instigate mix-ups with the older ones, who are mostly pretty good natured about it. So they get along well enough and can be together. My problem is that I...
  3. Frango Asado

    Isolating by age vs. gender

    I've got three 4 week Australorps (2 males) and five 2 week Lemon Cuckoo Orps (three males). I have them out in playpens during the day, and I bring them in at night. So far I have been putting the older chicks together in one pen and the younger ones in the smaller pen. I'm thinking about...
  4. Frango Asado

    Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons at 2 weeks. Comb sexing already?

    Here are my five lemony chicks. Yes, I carry them in a bucket. The three heads on top all have notable combs that are starting to blush. The bottom two do not have this. How safe am I in looking to re-home the three that look like roos? What are the chances that I might give them away and they...
  5. Frango Asado

    4 week Australorps: gender question

    exactly what I'm thinking. but it's premature to make a final call on the third one. Seems like every other day I'll change my mind about it.
  6. Frango Asado

    Harvesting and Preserving Rooster Hackles and Saddles

    We like neck hackles from roosters that have absolutely no webbing for dry flies. The best have long rachis and short, stiff, shiny barbs. Most-needed colors are grizzly (barred rock) and dun (blue andalusian). There must be an abundance of the tiniest feathers near the head--those are the ones...
  7. Frango Asado

    4 week Australorps: gender question

    So. I'm thinking that red comb and wattles (two on ground) means "cockerel," right? Is there any chance at all that the one under the bar is a pullet? I ask because its feathers are very different from the blurry boy in the foreground--blunt-tipped and very webby, while the blurry one has...
  8. Frango Asado

    Black Australorps- Genders?

    Woot! Australorp sexing thread. Can I join? All three are 3.5 weeks. Chick #1 (below) I'm thinking is a pullet. Chick #2 I'm pretty sure is a cockerel--comb, wattles, short tail at this age, and also the neck and back plumage are pointier and shinier than the other two. Chick #3 (below) is my...
  9. Frango Asado

    If you were to plant a garden for your chickens, what would you plant?

    nobody has mentioned hot peppers. wouldn't this also help to inhibit parasites and rodents?
  10. Frango Asado

    Frango from south Orange County, CA

    thanks for the warm welcomes. Sumi: I asked around and there's a feed store not too far away that rents to hobbyists and schools. $25, and the incubator accommodates four dozen chicken eggs! Just placed an order for Australorps from RedBrush Farm. Hope a few survive the trip west from Missouri!
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