Recent content by Fred CTX

  1. F

    my insane coop building

    One of the best feelings is looking at a project and saying "I Built That!!!" Most of the time it brings a huge smile to my face, other times I just scratch my head and think, What in the He$$ was I thinking???????? Just remember to pace yourself.
  2. F

    Texas NPIP & Selling Hatching Eggs

    I have researched getting NPIP testing done and what I found is that there are Authorized Testing Agents in the different counts through out Texas. These are individuals that have been trained to conduct the test. The link below has a map that list the Authorized Testing Agents in each county...
  3. F

    Rabbits for sale in Central Texas

    All TAMUK rabbits have been sold. I went ahead and breed 2 of my TAMUK does and as long as they took I should have a few in a couple of months. Our farm is located outside Thrall which is about 45 miles North East of Austin.
  4. F

    Who can reply last on this thread?

    I Did It!!!!!!!!!!! It's Me
  5. F

    Tractor height

    My rabbit tractors have removable lids. Just a couple of screws and I have full access to the whole tractor. One day they will have hinges, it's on the ToDo list.
  6. F

    New coop needs help

    I built this coop before researching how to build a coop. After many hours on BYC I see that it needs modifactions. This is what I have so far; Stronger wire at least on the lower portion Either higher roost or lower nesting boxes Maybe larger roost Please give suggestions on things that you...
  7. F

    Hidden Acres Farm's Chicken Adventures

    Today is May 20th and I have 70 chicks ordered that will be shipped on June 10th. This could get long so go ahead and skip this post or go grab something to drink, sit back and enjoy. To start I will give a little background, the short version, about my family and how we I got us into this...
  8. F


    Bird seed might be cheaper than scratch grains. Check the bag and look for "Product of the U.S.A." or anything that indicates that the grain was actually grown here. The reason you want it grown here is because most grains that are imported have to be irradiated when they are imported. From my...
  9. F

    Growing fodder in hot climates

    I grow micro-greens (fodder for humans) and when I first started I had mold issues. It sounds like to much water and/or to many seeds, not enough air flow. Try using fewer seeds. Per-soak them for a few minutes (15 or so). Drain well If you are using soil make sure it is well draining and do...
  10. F

    Heat Reflective Paint for Coop

    @Samjamrow13 I'm not far from you in Thrall, TX. I'm curious what your decision was on the reflective paint? I will be building a large open coop in the very near future. The area where it will be built does not have any natural shade so I'm also looking for ways to help with cooling.
  11. F

    Rabbits for sale in Central Texas

    Word got out locally and I have sold nearly all my available rabbits. I have a few left but they are on hold until the people can get their hutches/cages set-up. Most of buyers are people who are waking up to current events and wanting the rabbits to be more self sustainable. I'm not sure how...
  12. F

    New Coop

    Nice looking coop. Is the chicken wire going to be strong enough to keep your local predators out? I used chicken wire on my coop but now I'm debating if I should add a stronger wire or not.
  13. F

    Texas chicken owners - we need your help!

    Fortunately for us we will be moving to the back corner of family land where we can have as many chickens and rabbits as we care to feed. But I will contact our local representatives in an effort to support our city bound friends. I prey this goes through and that more people start getting...
  14. F

    Rabbits for sale in Central Texas

    Posting Has Been Edited: edits are listed in bold below Due to local word of mouth I have sold all the 6 month old TAMUK rabbits. I also lowered the price of the remaining TAMUK due to their younger age. I lowered the price of the Califorian/New Zealand crosses just because I don't want to have...
  15. F


    Good morning. Just checking in and saying Hello to the local folks. New member in CTX currently living in Hutto but we are in the process of building a home and farmstead in the suburbs of Thrall. My wife and I currently have a Brahma bull calf, and bunch of rabbits, an empty chicken coop, and...
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