Recent content by Fresh Eggs Dail

  1. Fresh Eggs Dail

    Comment by 'Fresh Eggs Dail' in article 'Nest Box Aromatherapy'

    Funny too that some say my book on herbal chicken care plagiarises another writer, when what you say TwoCrows is exactly right - herbs HAVE been used for thousands of years and the information IS well known, its all in how someone presents it. And I FOR sure coined the term Nesting Box...
  2. Fresh Eggs Dail

    Comment by 'Fresh Eggs Dail' in article 'Nest Box Aromatherapy'

    Yup, you're right, but she even used my title...and the list of herbs/benefits is pretty much copied right from my blog post - all herbs have loads of benefits so to see a very similar list with the same benefits in the same order...h.... Clearly she got the idea of nesting box herbs from me bc...
  3. Fresh Eggs Dail

    Comment by 'Fresh Eggs Dail' in article 'Nest Box Aromatherapy'

    This information was pretty much taken right from my Fresh Eggs Daily blog post dated Jan. 2012 and my linked list of herbal benefits....a little credit back would have been nice. Thanks.
  4. Fresh Eggs Dail

    Brinsea Mini Advance Incubator

    I have had two 100% successful hatches of chicken eggs in my Mini Advance and am on day nine of my first duck hatch. Not sure how to keep the humidity higher than for the chicken eggs - I am only filling one reservoir until lockdown when I fill both right ?
  5. Fresh Eggs Dail

    Best price on Ecoglow 50?

    I have a coupon code on my blog (left hand side) if you ever need it. I LOVE my EcoGlow20 as well as my Brinsea Mini Advance. I've had two 100% successful hatches and am working on my third.
  6. Fresh Eggs Dail

    Deep Litter in the Chicken Yard?

    I love that ! Sometimes I dig huge holes in the run so they can look through the dirt for worms and bugs - and by the end of the day they've smoothed it all out again.
  7. Fresh Eggs Dail

    Why can't I give my sick chick yogurt if she's on an antibiotic?

    Probiotic powder is an excellent alternative to yogurt and SHOULD be given any time antibiotics are being administered because it helps build up the good bacteria. Also instead of Sav-a-Chick, maybe try Nutri-Drench. It is a molasses based nutrient rich liquid that helps boost their energy...
  8. Fresh Eggs Dail

    Deep Litter in the Chicken Yard?

    That's a great idea. When I clean out the coop in the summer (in the winter I do use the deep litter method), I pile the straw in the run and the girls spend the day spreading it for me. It helps cover and absorb some of the mud in the run.
  9. Fresh Eggs Dail

    Cannot decide what this chick is (breed or gender) to save my life...

    I was going to say Sussex also because the Light Sussex are black and white but looking again, not sure. Some chicks look totally different than what they will look like all grown up.
  10. Fresh Eggs Dail

    Well I never said I could cook.....

    Question: what's the brown sugar for ? I know honey is very healthy and has alot of antibiotic properties, as does molasses...but I try and stay away from giving my chickens sugar, salt etc.
  11. Fresh Eggs Dail

    How old to go outside.

    If they are feathered out and its not getting much below 65 degrees or so at night, as long as they are in a coop that isn't drafty or anything they should be okay.
  12. Fresh Eggs Dail

    My second try

    Hi. I am new here on BYC, but not new to chicken keeping. New to the whole hatching thing. I used the Brinsea Mini Advance and got all nine eggs to hatch. I hand turned since really only 7 are meant to fit. I am definitely going to do it again. The hatched chicks are SO much healthier and...
  13. Fresh Eggs Dail

    When should I worm?

    Thanks ! I truly believe in natural preventatives. There is no need to introduce chemicals if you keep your run and coop clean with fresh bedding, plant a few herbs around and dd some DE, ACV and garlic to their diet.
  14. Fresh Eggs Dail

    When should I worm?

    I agree. I definitely don't agree with the twice a year prevantative. Why give medication or chemicals unless absolutely necessary ?
  15. Fresh Eggs Dail

    When should I worm?

    I use DE, also give the hen minced garlic and ACV in their water. That pretty much seems to prevent any parasites, worms, respiratory illness, etc.
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