Recent content by Fridasmum

  1. Fridasmum

    Comment by 'fridasmum' in media 'Silkie and sizzle on the chicken stage.'

    Picture of the girl's itching to step out of the run and into the yard. Freedom!
  2. Fridasmum


    Hey, AlextheChicken. I'm in Simi Valley. You interested in starting a meet-up for the eastern area of Ventura County?
  3. The feather weights: Forest Gump and Skittles at 3.5 weeks old.

    The feather weights: Forest Gump and Skittles at 3.5 weeks old.

  4. Blondie and Chile Pepper are the heavy weights of the family (Week 3.5 old)

    Blondie and Chile Pepper are the heavy weights of the family (Week 3.5 old)

  5. Week 2

    Week 2

  6. Chile Pepper starting to look a little raggedy.

    Chile Pepper starting to look a little raggedy.

  7. Week four. Left to right: Chile pepper, Blondie, Forest Gump, and Skittles.

    Week four. Left to right: Chile pepper, Blondie, Forest Gump, and Skittles.

  8. Our Little Dinosaurs

    Our Little Dinosaurs

    Image collection documenting the life and times of four little chicks. The chicks were delivered to our house on September 11, 2012.
  9. Forest Gump

    Forest Gump

  10. Fridasmum

    Deformed claw - unable to fix. Now what?

    Hello. We received our first batch (4) of chicks in the mail three weeks ago. One of the chicks had two deformed claws and was having a very difficult time standing and walking. I had read about this deformity before the arrival of the chicks and was prepared to take corrective action. Soon...
  11. Fridasmum


    I've heard of snakes getting stuck half-way out of the coup thanks to an undigested bulge in their body. Yuck. Perhaps I should get to know 'Mr. Smith and Wesson .38' and invite him to my house too.
  12. Fridasmum

    RIP Skittles..... :-(

    Sorry to hear about Skittles. Hope Tootsie is doing okay. I wish I could offer some help on what to do, but I'm a newbie (my chicks are 7 days old) at raising chickens.
  13. Fridasmum

    Hindsight is 20-20: Organic versus medicated chick feed.

    I'm really looking forward to the arrival of the chicks next week! Thank you all who responded to my original post. Everything I've read and your experiences have kept me from stressing out . I ended up buying chick starter mash with Amprolium last night. Next on my to do list is to get the...
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