Recent content by frogeyed

  1. frogeyed

    Neighbor complaining about noisy hens; what can I do?

    My parents are going out of town on Saturday to Monday, and they're busy tomorrow (going to Los Angeles for the majority of the day), so I have no way of really going to my friend's house (they live very far away from me) to build anything for my chickens. I really want to, but I can't in my...
  2. frogeyed

    Neighbor complaining about noisy hens; what can I do?

    I don't think I could. I can try to ask my mom to have her dad build another one over at my friend's house (he's the one who built the one I have now), but I don't know if anyone has the time for that... I'm really upset that they didn't have anything proper for the chickens. I had asked my mom...
  3. frogeyed

    Neighbor complaining about noisy hens; what can I do?

    I'm hoping in the future I'll be able to live in the country, so I have no neighbors to deal with. I've always had to deal with my mom being stubborn when it comes to things like this. I'm not trying to be disrespectful or "rebellious" to her, it's just that she hates when anyone disagrees with...
  4. frogeyed

    Neighbor complaining about noisy hens; what can I do?

    Yet another "update"; my mom had me and my dad take my last (adult) chicken over to my friend's house. The place they're keeping the chickens is terrible; it's just a shabby chicken wire fence pinned up against a stone wall, but there's no "roof" / cover, and no coop / roost for them. And...
  5. frogeyed

    Neighbor complaining about noisy hens; what can I do?

    I would have kept the smaller chickens, but my mom was the one who took the smaller ones. I didn't have any say in it. :l I do have some younger chickens, but they live in a separate coop with their own fenced off space for wandering / scratching / etc. I don't want to put them with my white...
  6. frogeyed

    Neighbor complaining about noisy hens; what can I do?

    A bit of an "update"; my mom gave my two smaller chickens to a friend of mine who lives way out in the C̶a̶l̶i̶f̶o̶r̶n̶i̶a̶ ̶d̶e̶s̶e̶r̶t country, and she thinks they're cute. :) Hopefully that means she'll keep her parents from thinking about cooking the little chickens (I probably sound crazy...
  7. frogeyed

    Neighbor complaining about noisy hens; what can I do?

    I didn't have time to check this thread yesterday since I had school...but anyway, my mom has already taken my two small chickens (hopefully to my friend's house, and HOPEFULLY her parents don't plan on butchering the little hens...) but she left my white hen (the leghorn one). I may be...
  8. frogeyed

    Neighbor complaining about noisy hens; what can I do?

    The neighbor complained to my mom, but my mom did mention something about a fine, so I'm sure the person next door "threatened" to have us fined for the chickens' noisiness. That's what it mostly is. My chicken goes around "singing" for a while, then goes quiet and starts scratching for worms...
  9. frogeyed

    Whats the saddest Poultry loss you've had?

    This happened a few months ago...I had a handful of different chickens. Two barred rocks, some brown one (I can't remember which kind of chicken she was), a leghorn, and two "Polish" chicks, which were much younger than the others mentioned. One terrible night, my dog started barking randomly...
  10. frogeyed

    Neighbor complaining about noisy hens; what can I do?

    I just talked to my mom a moment ago, and she said she's checking in with her friend (who I might have mentioned in the first / original post). The neighbor who I'm talking about had complained in the past of a few other people owning chickens around their residence, so that explains why I'm...
  11. frogeyed

    Neighbor complaining about noisy hens; what can I do?

    That's exactly what I was thinking. I think my neighbor just hates my chickens because they're...chickens. My hens might be okay, considering what many of these replies have been saying regarding the regulations where I live, but I think it all narrows down to my stubborn mom and the neighbor...
  12. frogeyed

    Neighbor complaining about noisy hens; what can I do?

    My chickens(s) only "sing" around morning, probably around 7 or 8 or something (I can just barely hear them in the morning, and it's not loud enough to wake someone up, in my opinion). Like any normal chicken, they settle down near dark, and sometimes they go to bed earlier than usual. Anyway...
  13. frogeyed

    Neighbor complaining about noisy hens; what can I do?

    Well, I only got 5 I guess that's not a part of the problem. I guess you can say my chickens (specifically my white hen) is spoiled. We had some other chickens before along with her, all raised from chicks, but most were killed by some animal overnight (most likely a stray cat...
  14. frogeyed

    Neighbor complaining about noisy hens; what can I do?

    No roosters, though I have two young chickens. I suspect one may be a rooster, but it hasn't crowed yet. No telltale signs in its comb, either. My chickens are only noisy when laying. One in particular, the leghorn, will cackle / "sing" when laying an egg, but she'll scream whenever she wants...
  15. frogeyed

    Neighbor complaining about noisy hens; what can I do?

    I'm also concerned about this whole "Newcastle outbreak" that has been going on in California for a while now. I'm afraid if I mention my chickens to any authority in my area, they might have my chickens killed or something (I believe some people have been having chickens killed around here to...
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