Recent content by FunckyChick

  1. F

    Baby Chick

    Thank you for your replies. The chick has survived the day! I had to take it to work with me to keep it safe from my terrier. Rightly or wrongly, because there are 2 hens co-parenting, I waited until they were asleep and popped the chick under the nicer of the 2 hens I’m hope that they won’t...
  2. F

    Baby Chick

    My hens got broody and have had chicks. Mum abandoned the remaining eggs after a couple of days. Me being me felt sorry for them and put them in my seed incubator. I didn’t expect anything to happen but have just discovered one of the 4 eggs has hatched. I took the chick back to mum but she’s...
  3. F

    A little advice needed please.

    Why thank you! It’s been a journey, but pretty sure we just have the 2 cocks. Keeping our fingers crossed.
  4. F

    Comment by 'FunckyChick' in article 'Sexing Different Breeds'

    I can tell there are 2 cocks (they are crowing). Worried I’ve got more!
  5. F

    A little advice needed please.

    Great Rule! I’ve got attached to them so am going to carefully add some more girls. If that doesn’t help. The pet shop promised to take back any surplus cocks (if I got more than 1 cock). So, I do have that option, worst comes to the worst.
  6. F

    A little advice needed please.

    That’s given me some hope. I’ve got attached to them so am going to give it a go and move them on if it doesn’t work. The pet shop promised to take them back if I got more than 1 cock, so I do have that option, worst comes to the worst.
  7. F

    A little advice needed please.

    Thank you so much for the info. For some reasons the photos will not attach. The males are not harassing the femails yet. They have not reached point of lay. Just want to be prepared. Guess that’s what I get for buying chicks! Lol. I shall wait and see what their temperament is like before...
  8. F

    A little advice needed please.

    I have kept chickens for 6 years, but only hens. The last of my old girls died 3 months ago. So, I bought 6 chicks from the local pet shop, just before lockdown (Spain) no idea how old they were but they all had proper feathers. I was told there would be a maximum of 1 cock. 8 weeks on I...
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