Recent content by gabwhitman

  1. G

    Rare Blue Fawn Rouens

    Please excuse the poopy mess, at the time she was with several ducklings & i took the picture in cleaning time (I should've done pictures after cleaning and not right before) It's been about 2 or 3 weeks since I took this photo & SHE IS GETTING HUGE!!! Starlight (the other "mystery duckling" I...
  2. G

    Rare Blue Fawn Rouens

    Oh my god! That looks like one of my babies! I’ve been wanting to confirm what she is, because i work at a wildlife rehab & I am always fascinated by dumped duck cases (one of my bajillions of jobs is to house or find new homes for dumped domestic ducks or mixed breed babies found in the wild) &...
  3. G

    Breed ID? White Mystery Duck mixed breed?

    I'll have to get some good pictures of them! Some stuff like the beak color variation might not be as easy to see, but maybe I can get some close-ups of those. I may need to get a close-up to see the feather differences. Maybe Dez is just a bad preener? I feel like maybe I'm just an idiot and...
  4. G

    New duck can't walk

    As far as the mobility issues, they can lose circulation in their legs from a long-term difficulty or inability to walk, which can have grave results. One of my ducks ended up with the inability to walk on her feet, and after a lot of vet visits and help, you can try something called a "sling"...
  5. G

    Breed ID? White Mystery Duck mixed breed?

    I adopted my little girls as ducklings from someone who wasn't planning on keeping them long term, & of course she got them from a store and couldn't remember the label or tag. After research, my two females seemed like Pekins, but there are a few confusing differences. They're both almost 7...
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