Recent content by Gaelio

  1. Gaelio

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi Everyone, I strayed from the flock for a while. Glad to be back. It's always nice to have chicken support. I have 3 cochin bantys laying on eggs right now. Hoping for some nice splash and buff.
  2. Gaelio

    Cochin Banty Roo won't go in coop at night.

    This splash rooster is just a year old and I think he's the low guy on the totem pole. I have two other roosters and I saw the buff rooster do a mean spirited run at the splash rooster just before dusk when they go into the coop and I close it up. Since then I can't catch 'Buster' to put him...
  3. Gaelio

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I'm repeating a post that I put in a different forum thread just because I think my Wisconsin Cheeseheads might reply quicker. I have a 3 week old silkie chick with a cross beak. He/she is eating ok now and growing with the others, but I guess this genetic defect can get worse with time. Some...
  4. Gaelio

    Anyone else with fibromyalgia?

    I'm a naturopathic doctor and have Chronic Lyme Disease as well. Please don't call yourself stupid because you need to rely on meds right now. I try to do as much natural as I can, but to have multiple autoimmune situations like you do is a huge challenge. I hope you get disability....I know...
  5. Gaelio

    Cross beak - how to trim

    I started a thread about my 3 week old silkie chick that has a cross beak. He/she is eating well and growing at the same rate as the rest right now. Some people mentioned that when they had a cross beak they would trim it. Could someone explain how to trim? Thanks!
  6. Gaelio

    Silkie chick with deformed beak

    Ha ha, Love the name 'Smirks'. Does she do alright without special food and attention? Now, why doesn't some orthodontist take on braces for chickens? LOL I took your advice, though, and sent the photo to the hatchery. You're right, they should be aware if there is a defect in their...
  7. Gaelio

    Silkie chick with deformed beak

    Thank you, Scooter & Suzie!! Good answers here. I'm going to give the guy/gal a chance. Now I see from these posts that I may have to give her some extra care, though. One other question....someone said that it usually isn't a birth defect but has to do with 'incubation issues'. I got my...
  8. Gaelio

    Silkie chick with deformed beak

    This silkie chick is almost 3 weeks old and has this scissored type deformed beak. So far the chick is growing at the same rate as the rest of the group. He eats and drinks. Has anyone had this problem before and does it get worse? I'm thinking I'm going to give him a chance, but wondering...
  9. Gaelio

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi Everyone! Getting a kick out of the nervous spelling here. I have to admit that I used to be kind of snobby about spelling and grammar...simply because it came easy to me. When I saw that one of my sons was a terrible speller and I knew he was smart as a whip, I realized that spelling has...
  10. Gaelio

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    It's a Christmas Miracle!! Finally my hens started laying again. I think the strike is officially over. I don't know what I did to deserve the coup the little buggers staged, but, at least I've got good tasting eggs again. Maybe it had to do with locking them up and leaving lights on to confuse...
  11. Gaelio

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    So JiminWisc...what do you use to up the protein? I give them a layer mix and scratch from the feed mill. I figured that 'layer' meant it had all the things they needed for laying. Maybe my hens disagree. They are pretty spoiled. None of them look or feel thin...but could worming cause a...
  12. Gaelio

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Does anyone else here hate this Fall Back time change? Not only are our lives crammed into fewer daylight hours, but I think the hens are protesting too. I put in a light, but they're not fooled. No eggs for days!
  13. Gaelio

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Lovely, just lovely. See, you don't have to travel to distant lands to appreciate a beautiful scene.
  14. Gaelio

    Chicken years

    Whoa! 52 weeks in a year x 6 years would make her 312 YEARS OLD!!
  15. Gaelio

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    oooohhhh, ooohhhh. I can feel my heart strings. Can you post a pic of your silkie fellas? No girls needing homes, tho??
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