Recent content by Gardener_in_Training

  1. Gardener_in_Training

    What material to predator-proof top of run?

    Thanks for the advice and info, folks. We've decided to go with 2x4 welded wire, which we'll fold over the outer edge of the walls and staple along the top of the walls. We have wire to attach overlapping panels. We're in a suburban area so don't think weasels are around here. Snow is uncommon...
  2. Gardener_in_Training

    What material to predator-proof top of run?

    We have lost a couple hens to a raccoon, which tore through (what we now know is totally not secure) the plastic netting draped across the top of our run. I am looking for advice on what to cover the top with. Note: we are trying to raccoon-proof the run rather than their house within because...
  3. Gardener_in_Training

    Need help for lethargic hen w/ sensitive beak

    She looks more perky and energetic this morning, but not 100%. I've been able to get her to eat some scrambled egg and got a dropper to run some water into her mouth (not sure how much she actually drank, as she seemed to shake 1/2 of it out of her mouth each time!). I used the formula on this...
  4. Gardener_in_Training

    Need help for lethargic hen w/ sensitive beak

    One of my 5-mo. hens is acting lethargic and doesn't seem very interested in food. When I found her in the coop about an hour ago, it looked like her beak was cracked. Upon further inspection, I noticed that it was one 'layer' of her top beak that had separated, like it has flaked off - if that...
  5. Gardener_in_Training

    Peeps Out in New Coop for First Time, YAY

    We just officially moved ours outside today too; they're just shy of 12 weeks. Henhouse all set up... And girls checking it out. Our run is not nearly as nice looking as yours - jealous! We've put bird netting across the top, plus a tarp over part of it, which should do for now, in our...
  6. Gardener_in_Training

    Show off your chicken names!!!

    For some reason, ever since I got the idea in my head that I one day wanted to have chickens, I've always wanted to name them old, traditional names (aka old lady names). Here's a picture of ours and their names when they were only a couple weeks old, in April. Gertrude, Henrietta, Mabel...
  7. Gardener_in_Training

    Naming Chicks

    I like the idea of using older, traditional names for hens. Ours: I'd pick some kind of theme and go with it (a movie, musical group, former first ladies, whatever!). Good luck!
  8. Gardener_in_Training

    New Member - How young can you feed chicks treats?

    My chicks are a little over a week old. I tried feeding them a small amount of mashed hard-boiled egg but they didn't seem to recognize it as food. I served it on a plastic lid, so maybe it was hard to see? Or maybe they just didn't like it? They walked all over it and pecked all around it (I...
  9. Gardener_in_Training

    Chick won't take its first drink

    So I put a small jar lid in the brooder with water and a little food in it and she seems to be drinking now. Whew! Now I just need to teach her to use the real watering tray!
  10. Gardener_in_Training

    Chick won't take its first drink

    Hello, Just brought my three day-old chicks home and 2 have drunk and keep revisiting the water, but the black sex-link doesn't seem to have drunk (at least it doesn't appear so, the others were more obvious, opening and closing their beaks). I have dipped it's beak in the watering tray...
  11. Gardener_in_Training

    82 Chicks are here! *With Lots of Baby Pics*

    Cute! I can't wait to get my teeny tiny flock started in a couple weeks!
  12. Gardener_in_Training

    What do vegetarians do with unproductive laying hens?

    For folks who keep them around - do you periodically get young hens so you continue to get eggs? If so, do you introduce them to the older hens or house them separately?
  13. Gardener_in_Training

    Hello from Corvallis Oregon

    Hey there. I am new to the forum and I guess you could say I'm new to chickens too...since I have yet to own any! I joined the forum to educate myself about raising chickens in order to decide if they're right for me. My husband and I are looking to buy a house soon, and will not be able to...
  14. Gardener_in_Training

    What do vegetarians do with unproductive laying hens?

    I'm new to the forum and still deciding if I would like to try keeping chickens. If I do, I will keep a small number (around 3) in a suburban area, for the purposes of egg production. One factor (of many) I must consider is what to do when my hens grow older and no longer produce many eggs...
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