Recent content by Gator113

  1. Gator113

    How long does is this hatching going to take??

    Could you please look at #14... I need more advise, soon.
  2. Gator113

    How long does is this hatching going to take??

    Well folks, this is crazy and I do not know what to do. At 5:30 this morning, the mama goose woke me up with her chattering. She was off her nest and chatting away. I opened the window and found the stench of rotten egg. I had planed on taking the eggs way today as this is the 38th day. It was...
  3. Gator113

    How long does is this hatching going to take??

    Will do....
  4. Gator113

    How long does is this hatching going to take??

    Tomorrow it will have been 39 day of sit time. In the morning, I will figure out a way to get her to leave the nest and I will remove the eggs. It is quite disappointing to see 14 eggs go to waste. I figure that I will crack them open one at a time and if I discover life, I'll put the rest of...
  5. Gator113

    How long does is this hatching going to take??

    A coulpe more things... She is still turning her eggs a few times a day, even today. I can't see all of the eggs, but I don't think she has kicked any out of her nest.
  6. Gator113

    How long does is this hatching going to take??

    I can't get to the nest without loosing an arm, eye and a couple of fingers. LOL She is very protective. However, I can see the nest when she stands, so I know they haven't hatched. I am certain of the dates. I kept a log and her nest is in a dog crate right outside my bedroom window. My...
  7. Gator113

    How long does is this hatching going to take??

    Thank you very much. That is going to feel like a very loooonnnngggg time, for me. ;>)
  8. Gator113

    How long does is this hatching going to take??

    Hi.... My first goose (Toulouse) has been sitting on her 15 eggs for 36 days. Last night, on the 35 day, at 8:30 p.m., I discovered that one egg had hatched. What a cutie! I hope it's a male because I named it Spanky. ;>) Anyway, I have been watching for most of today and the other 14 eggs...
  9. Gator113

    EMERGENCY..... Khaki Campbell walks like she's hurt/drunk.

    Quote: Thank you very much... we are on our way out the door.....
  10. Gator113

    EMERGENCY..... Khaki Campbell walks like she's hurt/drunk.

    Quote: I am sorry for being so ignorant on this, but could you please tell me exactly what vitamins/electrolytes I should ask my wife to buy at the store? I need all of the details or I'll screw it up. Thank you and BTW, although I have her isolated, she is still alive, but there are no signs...
  11. Gator113

    EMERGENCY..... Khaki Campbell walks like she's hurt/drunk.

    Quote: We just double checked the feed and there are no signs of mold. About a month ago we went to storing the various feeds, in their sacks, closed within new galvanized garbage cans. This allowed us to make feeding far less effort and more organized.... one stop shopping. This also helped...
  12. Gator113

    EMERGENCY..... Khaki Campbell walks like she's hurt/drunk.

    Thank you. We have been feeding all-purpose poultry food, that the feed store guy said would be fine. I did check the ingredients and it does include niacin, but the % is not listed. We feed the babies chick starter and the adults all-purpose and have been doing this for about a year. My wife...
  13. Gator113

    EMERGENCY..... Khaki Campbell walks like she's hurt/drunk.

    Quote: Thank you. No, she's 3 months old and not laying eggs. She will now be supervised on everything until she makes it or dies.... I am not sure how well ducks travel, but if she gets well during our month of travels, she is going to have a wonderful and luxurious vacation. LOL
  14. Gator113

    EMERGENCY..... Khaki Campbell walks like she's hurt/drunk.

    She gets niacin that comes in her food. BUT, yes, her legs are shaky. I called Metzer where we bought her and while she doesn't know what the problems might be, she suggested using a antibiotic, Baytril. Our feed-store doesn't have it but they do sell duramycin. Another feed-store has...
  15. Gator113

    EMERGENCY..... Khaki Campbell walks like she's hurt/drunk.

    We are getting ready to leave for vacation in the morning. We have just discovered that the one K. Campbell has a problem. She is a 3 month old Khaki Campbell. I can't find anything wrong with her feet or legs. She is calm and enjoys being held and petted. When she walks she crouches down and...
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