Recent content by gek600

  1. gek600

    Quick question

    This is probably somewhere on here but apparently I am blind, when you gather your eggs do you wash them? with what? Right now I just run them under some water then dry them off and stick them in the fridge. The only reason I ask is I noticed that a lot of places carry egg wash and never...
  2. gek600

    I've done well teaching my boy chicken math

    They catch on young!!
  3. gek600

    which hatchery -- I've made my decision thanks for the help!!

    Mt Healthy has a create your own mix and you can get what ever number of whatever breed you want. Not sure how backed up they are but I know they are who my feed store orders from and all the birds I have gotten from them have been super healthy and *knock on wood* no problems. I myself...
  4. gek600

    I told myself this wouldn't happen....

    This darn chicken math is working its way into my head! I said I would have only 15 chickens + 1 guinea.... about that.... I now have 11 chicks in the brooder, 2 older chicks in the outside brooder, 2 laying hens and one guinea plus Im getting 5 more chicks at the end of the month and 2 more...
  5. gek600

    Guinea fowl for the table?

    I remember reading something that the French consider guinea a delicacy, apparently they taste like chicken but moister and a deeper flavor. I haven't eaten one yet but I'm not going to turn it down if the opportunity presents itself.
  6. gek600


    Sounds like a migraine to me, I get them all too often and have found that excedrin works great (assuming your not allergic to acetaminophen) Hope your feeling better soon
  7. gek600

    My Chickens Eat Stinkbugs!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!

    I was oh so thrilled when I learned that my ladies love to eat those stupid things! Who says they have no natural predators in the US??
  8. gek600

    decorating advice..who wants to help me decorate? added!

    Quote: This! and as for the flooring I think that is a great idea but like a previous poster said make them go opposite ways to make it look great
  9. gek600

    Really COOL Picture of YOLK stages during formation

    Sorry you had to do that, however that is REALLY interesting to see!
  10. gek600

    Hello from Maryland (again...)

    I joined last year but got caught up in building and managing my flock and kind of forgot I had found yall, I want to try and be social again It has been quite the year, we got everything going had about 5 birds to start with then ended up with 5 more from various friends and a guinea then...
  11. gek600

    Hello from Maryland!

    Hello I am brand new to everything chickens and figured this would be a rather helpful community in getting started and raising. I am working on building a house now and reading just about everything I can. I know I am going to make it big because from what I have read and how I know myself I...
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