Recent content by GentFarmer

  1. GentFarmer

    Help, my chicken has one toe that is bend backwards.

    I have 4 Barred Rock peeps that are 6 weeks, and I just noticed the exact same thing on 2 of them. I'm searching for answers as we speak.
  2. GentFarmer

    Raising our New Zealand Meat Rabbits *Start to finish - Birth to processing* Possible Graphic pics*

    They'll be fine. It's amazing how insulating that fur is, and how well the babies are capable of snuggling down in. Don't be afraid to count them. The few seconds it will take will make sure there are no still-births in there. Cold is seldom an issue for rabbits. It's the heat you really have to...
  3. GentFarmer

    Comment by 'GentFarmer' in article 'Combination Duck House/Manger'

    Thanks, YardbirdMom! That was my goal. The most expensive elements were the metal brackets, which ring in at about $8 apiece. Total cost here, though, was still under $300 and was a weekend project that could have been completed in a day, had I pushed. Given what is commercially available for...
  4. GentFarmer

    Comment by 'GentFarmer' in article 'Combination Duck House/Manger'

    :-) Thanks. The best part is that the ventilation under the straw bales keeps it cool on hot days, and also keeps the inside humidity level down. If I did the design over, I'd make it just a touch more accessible for cleaning out bedding and such. It's manageable, but just slightly inconvenient.
  5. GentFarmer

    Comment by 'GentFarmer' in article 'Combination Duck House/Manger'

    Thanks. It's raining out again, but the ducks are having a blast inside the house. It's the best of both worlds for them, I guess. :-) I'll add a couple more pics...
  6. GentFarmer

    Welsh Harlequin

    Are you certain? :-) This picture does nothing but make me question exactly what I have. I got 10 from Metzer, with 5 sexed as female. Care to take a guess which one of your ducks most closely resembles my ladies? lol At what age do we expect to see the green plumage on the drakes? I think...
  7. GentFarmer

    Comment by 'GentFarmer' in article 'Combination Duck House/Manger'

    Thanks! I'm happy it provided you with some thoughts. :-) I *wish* I had a barn. heh
  8. Combination Duck House/Manger

    Combination Duck House/Manger

    Here on the hobby farm homestead, I was tired of everything looking... well... utilitarian. The coop is inside a dog run, and it's big as a shed. Some of my rabbit cages (for birthing and growing out kits) occupy part of the same 20'x25' dog run, which is enclosed by 7' tall chain link fencing...
  9. GentFarmer

    Welsh Harlequin

    Yes, for sexing day-olds. I was thinking, though, of adult drakes, whose bills and feet are yellow, compared with hens, who are black/black. Please do correct me if I'm wrong. Mine are at 6 weeks at this point, and it's still not certain if I have 2 or 3 drakes out of my batch of 10. I'll...
  10. GentFarmer

    Welsh Harlequin

    I might be mistaken, but WH drakes shouldn't have black bills.
  11. GentFarmer

    Can my Ducks go out side yet?

    My 10 Welsh Harlequins went outside at 3.5 weeks and didn't have an issue.
  12. GentFarmer

    Bay Area BYCers!

    Which feed store are you thinking about? I have hens right now from Half Moon Bay, Los Gatos (where I live), and San Jose. There are some great stores to visit (and it's an excuse to travel around the Bay Area finding resources and community!). If you include Mountain Feed in Ben Lomond, then...
  13. GentFarmer

    We have a possum

    Back a bit, you asked what to bait traps with: canned cat food works the best in my experience. Also, cheap. And yes, make sure you kill it. While the myth of playing possum is a fun one, dead really is dead, and it's easy to tell when you've humanely ushered him along his path. ;-) And...
  14. GentFarmer

    Egg storage

    Sorry to disagree, but the issue isn't one of bacterial growth. You're not storing the egg in a warm-water bath. You're simply washing it. The cold water causes the contents of the egg to retract. Since the egg shell is porous, and the bloom is now removed after washing, the theory is that more...
  15. GentFarmer

    Wobbly Duckling. Need advice ASAP

    I adopted my cat, Bella, when she was 7, and that was a good 5 years or so before I moved up here to the farm. She definitely has dibs. ;-) At some point, I'd like to welcome a dog to the farmstead, just so I have something who can guard the flocks when I'm away.
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