Recent content by Georgiadaisy

  1. G

    Please HELP Chicken and hatching eggs

    Thanks for everyone's help. Look what I caught in the netting! Without your help my little hen would have lost her eggs again! I also have the minnow trap too but haven't caught anything in it yet. Thanks again!
  2. G

    Please HELP Chicken and hatching eggs

    My husband said that too but I haven't see any which means nothing I know. Next question is what do I do now? After talking to several ppl everyone seems to think its a snake. I have a chicken tractor with hardware cloth and I'm thinking the snake could have possibly gotten in where the trays...
  3. G

    Please HELP Chicken and hatching eggs

    Does anyone have any ideas about where the eggs went?
  4. G

    Please HELP Chicken and hatching eggs

    Please help. I'm so upset! My hen has been sitting on 5 eggs for 5 days. Now the eggs are gone. She is in a coop and NOT free range. I had the top of the nesting box wedged tightly so it couldn't be opened. All of other chickens go up at night too. I only have 2 roosters. I young Silkie that...
  5. G

    Pullet or Cockerel

    Please give me your opinions everyone. I bought 25 chicks and have only had 4 pullets so far and a very difficult time getting rid of the roosters. I have someone wanting a rooster right now if I can figure it out. THANKS EVERYONE!
  6. G

    Pullet or Cockerel

    2 1/2 - 3 months old Didn't grow much at 1st and now he/she really growing feathers etc. this is a bantam.
  7. G

    Pullet or Cockerel

    Pullet or Cockerel? Thanks
  8. G

    Black sex link male or female

    Yes much better, Looks like a pullet to me but I'm no expert. See what everyone else says too!
  9. G

    Black sex link male or female

    Silkies are hard to tell but a close up straight on of the face would help
  10. G

    Rooster or hen?

    Probably about 2 1/2 to 3 months old. I had 2 of these and the other looked the same except the comb was redder and thicker. Pretty sure he was a cockerel. So I thought this 1 might be a pullet, just going by the differences. It seems everyone doesn't agree on this one.
  11. G

    Rooster or hen?

    Very confused? Rooster or hen?
  12. G

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or A Cockerel? Click Here!

    Pullet or Rooster? Please someone help me figure this one out! It is a bantam. ;)
  13. G

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or A Cockerel? Click Here!

    Pullet or cockerel? Please see next post. Couldn't figure out how to add pics Sorry
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