Recent content by ghostsnare101

  1. ghostsnare101

    My coop/run build

    Got a lot done, got the run attached and all I have left to do is put the top on and trim the rest of the metal off the front of the roof. Unfortunately, tractor supply was out of metal cutting Dremel disks so I’ll have to wait for them to restock before I can cut down that eye sore. The little...
  2. ghostsnare101

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  3. ghostsnare101

    It was a pretty great day! Thank you for the birthday wishes!

    It was a pretty great day! Thank you for the birthday wishes!
  4. ghostsnare101

    Thank you! I’m sure it will be

    Thank you! I’m sure it will be
  5. ghostsnare101

    Thank you for the birthday wishes!

    Thank you for the birthday wishes!
  6. ghostsnare101

    My coop/run build

    Finally got all the siding on and the door on today. Tomorrow I’m gonna trim the metal siding down and get it on the roof.
  7. ghostsnare101

    My coop/run build

    Thank you for the feedback! I only plan on putting the vents on the front and back where the overhang is now.
  8. ghostsnare101

    8 week old RIR.. can anyone help me identify if it's a he or a she?

    I’m saying a rooster as when he was a chick he had the white spots on the base of his wings. That’s how I knew my rooster Kevin who is also a RIR was a boy.
  9. ghostsnare101

    My coop/run build

    Got the rafters up and started doing the siding today! It’s finally starting to look like a coop. Now the question is to insulate or not insulate. Hopefully I’ll get the rest of the sides done tomorrow then I’ll just have to put the metal siding on the roof and sides and start and finish the run.
  10. ghostsnare101

    Told the wrong breed?

    Maybe it's a shadow but the OP's picture looks like grayish or slate feet. Perhaps a better picture could shed some light?
  11. ghostsnare101

    Hens or roosters

    You won't really be able to tell until they crow and they are way older but the way I could tell my barred rock was a rooster was it was a way lighter barring pattern and his comb was already pink/red when all the other barred rocks I had still had little orange combs that hadn't really come in...
  12. ghostsnare101

    Told the wrong breed?

    Looks like a barred rock to me, looked like what my little barred rocks looked like at 3 weeks.
  13. ghostsnare101 keep or not to keep

    I'm pretty sure I have two roosters (a rhode island red and a barred rock) and I plan on keeping them both or at least one. I might cull one for meat, but I'll probably hear about it from my wife if I do lol. Our Rhode Island Red Roo we named Kevin won't really let you hold him unlike our Barred...
  14. ghostsnare101

    Is this barred rock a pullet or a Cockerel

    No problem but you were right as well you can tell gender at birth. I have a little black sex link chick and I wanted to know more about her breed and did the research.
  15. ghostsnare101

    Is this barred rock a pullet or a Cockerel

    Black sex link is when a Rhode Island Red rooster mates with a barred rock hen.
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