Recent content by gilokee

  1. gilokee

    Happy chickadoos in their run!

    Still observing them to close off various escape routes. So far they've gone into my vegetable garden, and then neighbor's yard lol. I thiiink I have it mostly under control now. xD
  2. gilokee

    Vegans of BYC!!

    There's something called "veggan" (which apparently hardcore vegans hate lol) where you are vegan but just eat eggs, preferrably from your own backyard flock. This is what I will do, while also feeding some eggs back to the hens for calcium. I don't see anything wrong with doing this.
  3. gilokee

    6 chickens (Japanese breeds, Sakura and Momiji), 2 rats, 3 parrots, 2 dogs and 2 cats!!

    6 chickens (Japanese breeds, Sakura and Momiji), 2 rats, 3 parrots, 2 dogs and 2 cats!!
  4. gilokee

    Hello from Japan!

    It's great because I often grow stuff that I forget to eat, so they get all my overgrown lettuce, half-bug-eaten strawberries, etc. It works great!
  5. gilokee

    Hello from Japan!

    Thank you! Oh dang, first! I am in a very unusual situation here where my husband and I are both American living full time in Japan lol. He's a blacksmith's apprentice so he is here on a cultural visa and we plan to never leave. I already have these chickens, 3 parrots, and 2 dogs haha. The...
  6. gilokee

    Hello from Japan!

    Hey there! My name's Jenna and I've been raising chickens since I lived in Tacoma WA a couple years ago. I've sinced moved to Japan (my ex still has my old flock), and I've started raising chicks here too. :D They're finally big enough to go outside so I've rigged up part of my shed for them to...
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