Recent content by gilroygal

  1. gilroygal

    Prolapsed hen

    I had a chicken with prolapse. It was hanging out, was really dark red and it looked like it may be infected. I confined her to a small cage in a isolated area and kept her warm. I kept her bottom clean by placing her in a bucket of warm water with a few drops of baby shampoo to clean off the...
  2. gilroygal

    PLEASE HELP COON- Hens vent is red and HUGE

    Sounds like possible prolase. I had a bantam chicken with prolapse. It was hanging out, was really dark red and it looked like it may be infected. I confined her to a small cage in a isolated area and kept her warm. I kept her bottom clean by placing her in a bucket of warm water with a few...
  3. gilroygal

    Prolapse and bantams

    Not sure, but my favorite bantam had a really bad case of prolapse. Please don't give up...I ended up saving her. It was hanging out, was really dark red and it looked like it may be infected. I had no idea what to do. So I guessed....I confined her to a small cage in a isolated area and kept...
  4. gilroygal

    runny nose & clear liquid just started pouring out her backside

    Another option is to go to a feed store, they often carry antibioics for chickens. I would try to keep them warm and comfortable until you can get hold of some.
  5. gilroygal

    14 week old BR pullet scalped by the flock - please help - I'm worried

    Odds are, they won't stop now that she is injured. I would separate her right away. I have found that when you get too many chickens in a coop, they do start to attack eack other. You may want to consider allowing them out of the coop during the day.
  6. gilroygal

    Please Help My Chicken With Prolapse

    I had a chicken with prolapse and ended up saving her. It was hanging out, was really dark red and it looked like it may be infected. I had no idea what to do. So I guessed....I confined her to a small cage in a isolated area and kept her warm. I kept her bottom clean by placing her in a bucket...
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