Recent content by Gingersnap6

  1. Gingersnap6

    Royal Palm Turkey Poults

    My son wants some! Do you hatch them out or sell day-old?
  2. Gingersnap6

    Farmer's and rancher's chat thread!

    Our family loves when TSC gets baby chicks in and loves it even more when we get some in the mail. Although I have to say, I am more than ready for them to go outside when they are big enough.
  3. Gingersnap6

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    We are in southcentral PA~ Seven Valleys. Right now we have about 7 hens and 1 rooster~ all Easter Eggers :) LOTS of Muscovy ducks too. I haven't been on here for almost 2 years so maybe I can be more active again now. Bethany Keeney
  4. Gingersnap6

    Chicken Quilt Block Swap---BLOCKS ARE IN THE MAIL!!!

    I've been thinking maybe that's the trouble. Thanks for the suggestion.
  5. Gingersnap6

    Chicken Quilt Block Swap---BLOCKS ARE IN THE MAIL!!!

    I live 500 miles from my sister! But my husband is oldest of 8 and there is always at least 1 baby expected sometimes more. Mine shouldn't be here till after Christmas but he has a sister due in September.
  6. Gingersnap6

    Chicken Quilt Block Swap---BLOCKS ARE IN THE MAIL!!!

    Oh yeah, did I mention am pregnant with #7 and have morning/afternoon, evening sickness for the first time in my life? And NO energy.
  7. Gingersnap6

    Chicken Quilt Block Swap---BLOCKS ARE IN THE MAIL!!!

    Heather~ my daughter is somewhere on her way to you! Call me when the baby's here! Everyone else~ I am sorry to hold up this swap, but my blocks should be ready to mail on Tuesday. I will send Priority. I think I bit off a little more than I could chew this time
  8. Gingersnap6

    Chicken Quilt Block Swap---BLOCKS ARE IN THE MAIL!!!

    Whew! Well I didn't get any "special" fabric for this one and it all came from Jo-ann's "quilters cotton" wall so I should be safe. Apparently I messed up on the spring swap. So sorry everyone.
  9. Gingersnap6

    Chicken Quilt Block Swap---BLOCKS ARE IN THE MAIL!!!

    Did I miss something? I am still plugging away and thought I would be done in time but everyone is sending them NOW? Am I really late? I( am so very sorry if I am. I will try to get as much done on Monday as I can.
  10. Gingersnap6

    "Spring/Summertime" Quilt Block Swap of 2010 **sign-ups closed**

    Got my blocks today~ CUTE! Thanks for all the hard work everyone!
  11. Gingersnap6

    "Spring/Summertime" Quilt Block Swap of 2010 **sign-ups closed**

    So............I sent you $$$$ instead of postage, did mine get mailed back FC? Thanks for doing the swap. It was fun and I can't wait to get mine back.
  12. Gingersnap6

    "Spring/Summertime" Quilt Block Swap of 2010 **sign-ups closed**

    Mine are on the way too. I hope I did it right.
  13. Gingersnap6

    "Spring/Summertime" Quilt Block Swap of 2010 **sign-ups closed**

    I will try to get mine sent out by Friday. I only have 3 to do but have gotten stuck behind some other work.
  14. Gingersnap6

    Winter Snowman Block Swap: Got them! SENDING OUT MONDAY!!!!!

    Hi sis! Add my name to this too. I may as well have something to use my scraps for huh?
  15. Gingersnap6

    Poultry school

    My son loves his chickens and plays with them a lot. This is how I found him yesterday with his little Serama roo.
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