Recent content by glassparman

  1. glassparman

    Glassparmans Chicken Coop Rusty Bucket Ranch In The Mojave

    Rusty Bucket Ranch in the Mojave Ain't that a purdy coooop?! I first decided to get some chickens about three years ago. We had been on our new 2.5 acre property for about two years and the place came with a large area that was professionally fenced in for animal pens about 15 foot square each...
  2. glassparman

    I'm still shaking, WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES

    Some breeds it’s the excitement when the poultry run. My two dogs will not go near my chickens unless they start to run and squawk. Then they take out after them. I'm working on training them not to do that but like others said . . . its instinct. Thankfully I only have one that gets out of the...
  3. glassparman

    First time with meat birds... A couple of questions

    Feed: if you are going to go with any sort of Cornish X, you need to watch them and restrict the feed; not letting them eat too much. Many of those breeds will eat themselves to death if you let them. Portion their food and they will still get to 4-5 lbs by 8-10 weeks old. Good eating though!
  4. glassparman

    UPDATE post 37 Not the kitty CATS you want to see in your yard GRAPHIC

    I have lost several hens to a local bobcat. I do what I can to save the lives of cats and chickens but if it came down to it . . . I would not hesitate to "take out" ANYTHING that is after my animals. Michael
  5. glassparman

    How Much Do You Sale Or Trade Eggs For????

    I'm in the Mojave Desert in SOCAL. I sell brown and green eggs for $2.50 a dozen to my local office workers and they fight over them because "free-range, organic" labeled eggs in the store cost $4 a dozen! Michael
  6. glassparman

    How do you skin a chicken?

    I don't like the skin either so when I cull a chicken, I let it bleed out first then I put it in a 2 gallon freezer bag and put it in the freezer for about 2 hours or so. That should be just long enough to chill the body. Now you can skin the bird. If you don't chill it first, it will have a...
  7. glassparman

    How do you live with yourself eating the birds you raised?

    Wow, what can I say that hasn't already been said?? I raise mine for food; both eggs and chicken. They are not my pets but I am friendly with them and they love to jump up on me when I come in to feed. They can free range when I'm home and have good living conditions. But they are food not...
  8. glassparman

    Do Different Breeds Start Laying at Different Times???

    Usually. The Henderson chart states "late" or "early" maturing. My Red Star/EE's started at around 5 1/2 months.
  9. glassparman

    Open Letter to the People who FREAK OUT because I eat my chickens.....

    I figure if I'm eating MY chickens (spare roo's) and MY eggs, I’m less likely to get Salmonella poisoning or something worse. Most of the problems we have with the food we consume is from the packing plants and the chemicals and other non-natural byproducts. I think we should all go back to the...
  10. glassparman

    Slitting vs Chopping

    Quote: I agree with this process. It seems as if GOD did not give chickens much in the way of nerve endings in their neck. When you use the cone and slit the jugular, they don't seem to fret or squak. I even noticed that when I did this process on CXR, they pass out when they are upside down...
  11. glassparman

    My Chickens are not Pets!

    Mine are pets . . . at least the ones that like to hop up on my arm when I'm in the coop. But, I do not have any problem with Sunday dinner and have raised many meat birds and cull my extra Roos at 5 months for the pot. ALL animals are ours to eat or take care of . . . we just need to treat...
  12. glassparman

    How fast does digestion occur? There's a PEARL EARRING in my Dominique

    I butchered a turkey once and there was a 6 penny nail in his gizzard. I don't think your ear ring will ever be seen again:(
  13. glassparman

    Why so against EE?

    I love mine, but I have also bred them with other breeds and i label mine "EE mutts".
  14. glassparman

    Culling Alpha Rooster

    I would reward him with a chunk of waremellon for doing his job . . . Here is another question of my own: Anyone have experience replacing a seasoned Roo with a new young one? Just wondering how the girls may treat the new Roo
  15. glassparman

    Pic's of my "girls" getting bigger

    Stripy is definately an EE with that fuzzy little beard!
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