Recent content by glockandcuffs

  1. glockandcuffs

    1x2 inch welded wire as cage flooring?

    The 1x2 inch wire works great!
  2. glockandcuffs

    1x2 inch welded wire as cage flooring?

    I have them in a chicken tractor now. The problem with that is the smell of the chicken droppings. I rinse them into the ground, but it stills smells. With the elevated cage I am going to put pull out trays underneath and dispose the manue daily. I live in a neighborhood where the average...
  3. glockandcuffs

    1x2 inch welded wire as cage flooring?

    I think I will put a lanolin floor over the wire so it can be rinsed off easily and will be easier on their feet. I do not live in the country where the chickens can roam freely.
  4. glockandcuffs

    1x2 inch welded wire as cage flooring?

    I understand that chickens under certain circumstances should not be raised in cages, but I have no other choice. Is 1x2 inch welded wire as flooring to large for pearl leghorns? Minus the exceptions for it being to large for coons to reach in and etc. Will the chickens be able to walk on the...
  5. glockandcuffs

    Will a chihuahua kill a chicken?

    Yes they will kill a chicken no question about it. I had three chickens at one time until my 4 pounder killed them. They run the chicken, get behind it, then jump on the chickens back. Then grab the chickens head for the kill.
  6. glockandcuffs

    The Chickens I purchased appear to be to fat!

    O.k.....Thanks.....I will start feeding them the pellets. Someone mentioned check for other health problems. Like what.....I never raised chickens before! Anyone recommend a good book to obtain in regards to beginner's.
  7. glockandcuffs

    The Chickens I purchased appear to be to fat!

    P.S. I have no clue how old they are, she did advise they were not laying yet. They appear to have all their feathers and they are not little chicks. I would assume they are approx. 15 weeks or better in age. But I really don't have a clue! I'm just guessing.
  8. glockandcuffs

    The Chickens I purchased appear to be to fat!

    The chickens I purchased from a breeder appear to be to fat. I noticed that the chickens had un-eaten bread in the area where they were kept. Also I observed a rear of a pick-up truck full of bread, that I'm assuming that had to be the main diet she fed the chickens. I need to know how to slim...
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